Friday, March 14, 2008


Yesterday I stopped at Karen's house to say hi becaus I was running errands right by her house. I only had about 10 minutes before I had leave to go pick up the preschool carpool. I started to get my stuff together, and I could not find the keys. We keep looking, and no keys. The car is locked so I start making phone calls because I know I am not going to make it to the preschool in time. We load up into Karen's car to head over the Jeremy's work to pick up a house key because the code on the garage door is out of batteries and therefore I could not get into the house. We are rushing because I have to pick up Spencer now too! We make it to the school in time, pick up Sam from the friend who saved me with the preschool carpool and load into Karen's little car and head to the house. After lots more searching I find the extra keys for my van. We drop Spencer off at a friends house because we cannot all fit into Karen's car to head back to her house and get my van. Ok, crisis pretty much solved, although there is still no sign of the first set of keys. Fast forward to this morning. We are heading out the door to get Spencer to school. Where are my keys? Nowhere to be found. I keep searching, and finally load all threee kids into the double stroller and start running for school because he is already late. We get Spencer to school and I walk home and the clouds roll in and literally it rain/snows for the 10 minute walk home. It is just one of those days I guess, well one of two days now. I have now scoured the house and cannot find the second pair of keys, and of course the first ones are missing too. How many keys can you lose in 24 hours?


MollyE said...

I still have not found my keys!! I am losing my mind for sure. Jeremy and I have looked everywhere. Soooooooo frustrated.

Jonah said...

I often feel as if there is a rain cloud over me all day long! good luck finding the keys!

BrianJ said...

We looked all over our house for your keys but couldn't find them. Good luck with the search!