Monday, March 10, 2008

Am I famous yet?

A couple of years ago I got the chance to be on the radio for half hour and play songs from my ipod and make comments about them. Before I went to the studio to record "my show" I really felt that this was the beginning of something big. It was so much harder than I thought, and sadly for the radio station not a great 30 minutes on the air. My family was in Utah that weekend and we all had a little party to listen together. The radio station did not call back.

Fast forward to this weekend and my first television appearance! The Idaho PBS station is having their two week telethon. We got to be on the phones for two hours on Sat. night. This was it, my big debut! The producer guy warned us before not to look like a deer in the headlights or we would end up on the blooper reel. A PBS telethon blooper reel? I made Jeremy sit right at the center table, although sadly we were blocked by the host most of the night. Should we take that personally? They even allow and encourage you to eat at your table. How can that be good, eating on tv and answering phones with a full mouth? They were just trying to set me up for that darn blooper reel! Both of my sisters saw us, so I guess that makes us the family tv stars. We do have it recorded if anyone wants to come over and watch! But you won't see me eating, only staring at the camera and wondering who is that girl sitting next to Jeremy? Oh, yes, the camera really does add 10 lbs!


Katie said...

Karen has photos of you, you've got to add it to your blog

Juliana said...

Oh my gosh! What a great opportunity! I love it. I would love to know your secrets on how you get your television appearances. Maybe they have something like that down in Dallas. And the radio gig sounds fantastic too!

Emily S. said...

That is so fun! I honestly have always wanted to do that!

Stacey said...

Wow, look at you, doing "gigs" now

Jonah said...

If you would have told me I would have watched!!

P.S. What's the weight limit on your new backyard toy? I want to come try--it looks like fun!

Me - Jen said...

Yes why didn't I know about it?? I would have watched and called and hung up over and over until I got the famous Molly. So glad to see I can keep up with your little family. How strange I have to do that on the computer when I think I can see your house from our front yard. lol