Monday, March 17, 2008

The Joke is Over

I'm sorry this blog is taking such an ugly turn, but the keys are still missing! Both sets of keys have been gone since Thursday. Apparently Honda vans have this neat feature where the keys are computer programmed and therefore you have to pay A LOT of money to get a new key. And, the best part is that I have to have the car towed to the dealership to have this special programming done. I just finished searching through the garbage, and it was not fun like on that Oprah show where people go through the garbage and go home and furnish their house and make gourmet meals out of the dumpster. Karen, don't give up! Keep searching. I will find you keys!!!!


Karen said...

Molly I just got your message. Yay I'm so happy.

Anonymous said...

So are you going to confess online?

MollyE said...

Yes, I found my keys. And of course they were in my purse, which I had looked through and dumped inside out at least 10 times!