Friday, March 21, 2008

Boise....Who Knew?

In case we have not told everybody we know yet, we love Boise!! Yes, we live in Idaho, and it stinks here, ok? Moving on... It is amazing how some cities just have a good feeling. I really get that here in Boise. Not to mention any names, but one of the cities we lived in was extremely unfriendly. It should be ranked on one of those surveys, most unfriendly places to live. I'm sure it would come in very close to first. Moving on.... Living here by my sisters has been such a treat!! People here are very friendly, and our neighborhood especially has been great to get to know everybody. The backyard has been our biggest bonus I think. The boys, especially Sam just play outside all the time. We are really looking forward to exploring more of Idaho this summer. Jeremy has the campouts all planned out! Come and visit Boise. We love it!


Janis said...

Hi Molly! So glad to read your blog! YOur boys are sooo cute and Boise sounds wonderful! Your recipes looks great too. Thanks for sharing!!

wendyrr said...

Hey there, we'd love to visit you in Boise on our way to our new home. How does May 8th sound? I think Brian told Jeremy, but it's really the women who should be coordinating these things. We'll call you sometime soon.