Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cooking and Eating and Cooking

I have started on this journey of learning how to cook. I am having a blast, and it is amazing how chopping and preparing food can just calm my nerves. I guess when you get married and start having kids you kind of have to start cooking more. Our first couple years of marriage I literally made pasta roni at least 3 times a week, and that was the main course. I would throw some canned corn next to it, and I thought that was pretty good. Jeremy has always been the best and has never complained. Really, he has been so patient. Even now, he is being very good about dealing with all of my "experiments". So, why do I love to cook?

1. I LOVE to eat, so....

2. My Mom instilled in me the desire to sit down to a home cooked meal each night. Great Memories, thanks Mom!

3. Connie, you rock! (My mother-in-law, the most amazing throw it together and it is amazing chef in the world!)

4. I married into a SERIOUS cooking family, I can never compete, but they give me great ideas to try!

5. I really enjoy the presentation of a great meal. I love to make it look good.

6. Jeremy loves to try everything I make, and has really supported my new hobby.

7. Maybe someday my kids will appreciate my cooking, not looking good by the way.

8. Almost every gathering revolves around food.

9. The Food Network!

10. I LOVE to eat

I went to my first official cooking class with premier Northwest chef Jon Mortimer. He owns two of the best restaurants here in town, Moritmers and Franco Latino. His class was so fun and he answered any question no matter how silly. I could have stayed there all night just listening to him talk about food and techniques, and where to get good ingredients. He said that he has had many more cooking disasters than great dishes. Also, he said that cooking is the easy part, it is finding the right ingredients that can be the hard part. That is so true! Sometimes a recipe isn't that difficult, but some of the ingredients are too hard or expensive to find. The class was focused on braising techniques, but I learned a lot of other good tips. The best one for me is that Canola Oil is better than Olive oil when using high heat. Grape seed oil and peanut oil are good for that too, but a lot more expensive. I do a lot of pan searing and I have always been using olive oil, but canola will be better. He said, "Who started spreading the rumor that Olive oil is more healthy than other oils? It is still just fat."

Happy Cooking everybody!


Karen said...

I have to say that I'm so happy that cooking is your hobby because I get to reap the great benefits from it!! Your meals are so good and weston always asks me to learn how to cook like you. I'm still in the pasta roni stage of our marriage.

Janis said...

I loved your list! The hardest part for me is after going to all that work, it disappears so quickly! Will love to hear more of the things you learn in your class!!

Anonymous said...

I love to eat too, but that doesn't mean I have to like preparing it! Go Molly!!!

Me - Jen said...

You go girl. Keep sharing the tips. I love to cook but don't know all those little ins and outs. When I need to meal brought into me I am requesting Molly Evans.

Heather Rice said...

I am excited for you, Molly! You inspire me. I loved reading the tip about the oil, keep them coming!