Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm not Ashamed....well, maybe a little

Yes, I watch American Idol and I like it. Ok? Now I do have to say that the best part is recording the two hour show and fast forwarding through all the nonsense and turn it into a 20 minute show. Oh, and cute Jeremy just happens to be in the room every time I turn it on. I know exactly what is going on there. This season has been dissapointing for me so far vocally because there are so many weirdos and losers in the top 24! I mean seriously! Luckily some of them have already left. Alright, I am going to have to name names here. Amanda Overmyer, please stop the craziness. You can't even sing! Danny Noriega you need to get over yourself. Yes, we all know already. Now, on the good side. David Archuleta is so cute and amazing! Of course gotta go for the other LDS Brooke White. I think there are some other good girls too, but the other boys I haven't decided yet. And I was sad to see Alaina Whitaker leave last week. I know she had a bad week, but I think she had potential. So, see you tonight American Idol.


Danna said...

Amen, Sista'! I watch it every week too (and get made fun of)! Let's cross our fingers a good one wins this year!

Jeremy said...

I am definitely NOT in the room every time you watch! And I'm not "cute Jeremy." I prefer "genius" "athletic" "suave" or any number of adjectives.

BrianJ said...

I misread your post title and couldn't figure out why you'd be embarrassed because I thought you were writing about "American Gladiators." Then I caught my mistake: "American Idol." Yeah, that is embarrassing.

But if you need help coming up with adjective for "______ Jeremy," just let me know.

Kjerstin Evans Ballard said...

Hurrah, Molly! I'm so excited that you started a blog (and it's so adorable too).

Jonah said...

Yeah! I love it!! I will be stalking you everyday!!

I need you to show me how you did your neat background! I love it!

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Love the blog. I'm so glad you've joined. (: I am ashamed, but will admit that I looke forward to the Idol!!! I usually just show Troy the highlights on YouTube the next day. It turns it into a 5 minute show for him. He doesn't ask for it, but I try to keep him up to date on the important things in life.

Emily S. said...

I'm with you! And now my kids are into it too. Congrats on the blog and even more congrats on the trip to Hawaii!!! You deserve it and I hope you have a blast :-)

Anonymous said...

Are you folding clothes while watching?

MollyE said...

Ok Anonymous, thanks to you I still have a clean laundry room. Since you left I have worked really hard to keep up with it. Thanks a million!