Saturday, March 15, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

Another great Saturday here for us. This was our first year at the annual neighborhood Easter egg hunt. It was a lot of fun, chaotic, and over in about 5 seconds once the hunt began. It was fun to see everyone out from the neighborhood though. As you can see with the caots on it is still pretty chilly here. The funniest part to me was watching the boys terror in seeing the life size Easter Bunny. Oh, look at the cute bunny kids, and then crying and screaming as they ran away. It took me a minute to realize that a life size bunny is really scary! So, no pictures with the big bunny. We spent the day running errands and now we are heading out to eat with friends. A great day!


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Wow!! I slack on blogging for a week and I come back and you have a novel of great posts. I'm so glad you've caught the bug. It's fun to see your personality come through. Miss you!

wendyrr said...

I'm not sure how you do things out in Idaho, but in New York we do Easter egg hunts on Easter.

Just kiddin(: Can't wait to see you guys in May!