Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My little angel

Here is a little story about Matthew. When I got pregnant with our first two children, I started praying after I got pregnant that I would have a girl. After having two sons, I decided to wise up with the third baby and get serious about my prayer efforts before I got pregnant. I do believe in miracles, so although I thought it was possible to end up with a girl after the ultrasound showed a boy, I thought I should make it easier the third time. I really planned this out, and started fervently praying a few months before we got pregnant. I poured out my heart to my Heavenly Father and let him know that I really really wanted a girl, but I ALWAYS was clear that I knew he had a plan for me and our family and I would be happy either way. When we found out we were having a boy I was pretty shocked. I cried for a couple of days, mostly because I wanted to buy pink things. I felt very strongly that we were supposed to be having a third boy. Matthew is our miracle baby. First of all he was born over 5 weeks early and did not spend one minute in the NICU. As soon as we brought him home it was very apparent that he was going to be a very sweet, loving, calm baby. Because of a great delivery and great baby, I was able to go to my sister Karen's wedding in Oregon 5 days after giving birth (we were living in Utah at the time.) All of my children have been, and still are, very sweet. But, I know that Matthew came into our family at the exact time to be my angel for the past two years. Over all the stress and difficulties we have faced the past couple of years he has brought me so much joy and love and happiness. He has just been a gift in my life, and in the lives of Jeremy and our boys. I know there might be some tough times ahead(see previous post), but I am so grateful to have Matthew in our family. Happy Birthday Matthew!


Jonah said...

I love that little boy!!! Send him over to play...it's been too long!

janellelee said...

i definatly feel lucky after having 2 girls...my 1 boy is very "high maintenance" i coulnt image having 3 of him. your little guy is a doll!

Rachel said...

What a sweet smile. Happy Birthday Matthew!

Karen said...

Oh molly that was so sweet. He is such a cutie. I miss him already.

Janis said...

What a sweet story! I also loved your blog about 2-year old boys! Moms are really the angels!!

Amanda said...

That was so sweet, Molly. You must be special to raise 3 boys. I am scared to have a boy!

Juliana said...

I am so there with you. Totally understand... and my 3rd has been a blessing to us also! Crazy how when we think we know what we want... Heavenly Father usually knows better. I love you!