Wednesday, April 23, 2008

2 Year Old Boys

Ok, really, I don't like them that much. I mean, I love them because they are my kids and they can be cute sometimes. But, really, most of the time they are not that fun. They kind of turn into little monsters. Since, my third boy is turning 2 next week I thought I would just share a few thoughts. Two year old boys seem to be in destructo mode all day long. Whatever they walk by they have to throw it, stomp on it, knock it over, break it, whack their brother with it, or some other form of destruction. Whatever is in their path will not exist in the same form it began. Two year old boys are always walking around the house with some weird item in their hands that you didn't even know how to get to or didn't even know you owned. They seem to get into every drawer, cupboard, nook and cranny and dig things out to destroy them. Two year old boys are always dirty. They have food all over them no matter what time of day it is, no matter how often you wipe it off. They are usually covered in some mixture of snot, dirt, food, marker, crayon drool from eating them, or any other liquid that might exist in your house somewhere. Two year old boys do not like taking naps. They might miss out on an opportunity to destroy something in your home. Two year old boys do not walk around the mall or any other store with you. They do not sit in shopping carts or strollers for any period of time that will allow you to run even a simple errand. Two year old boys do not come to you when you ask them to. Most of the time they run, first they give you an evil grin, then they run. Two year old boys can run really fast, even when you are not pregnant. Somehow they can outrun you, and it is really embarassing! And lets face it, two year old boy diapers are completely nasty. This is due to the fact that they are eating who knows what all day long. Two year old boys think it is funny to pull off their diapers. This leads to unimaginable problems.

Although this may sound negative, this knowledge has really been a positive for me. As I go into my third 2 year old boy I feel much more relaxed and confident. Now instead of yelling at my two year old, I can just look at the costco size bag of pretzels dumped all over the floor, stomped on, and then spread all over and say, "Oh, Matthew you are so two. " So, bring it on little one, I am ready!


Me - Jen said...

Ok I need some of what you are taking (energy drink, pain killers, what?) because Nick doesn't bring me that kind of feeling yet! Good to hear that life is the same down the street.

Rachel said...

Good for you! Now that my third boy is 2 1/2, I think I am LESS relaxed that ever. I keep thinking: oh, no, are we doing THIS again? I'll have to remember that "you are so two."

Danna said...

That was funny, Molly! Austin just turned 3. I wonder how this year will be--'cause he's done a lot of things you described. You sound like a great mom!