Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Goodbye Granite

I think I might be the only one in the world, but I DO NOT like granite counter tops. Yes, they are pretty, and they really do make any kitchen look modern and shiny. When we were looking for houses I immediately walked out of any house that did not have them because the house just looked "old." All of that being said, I can't stand my granite counter tops. The camouflage look hides everything, which I guess is supposed to be good. But, really that means my counters are always dirty. They might look fine until you touch them, and then you are like,"What is all this gunk all over this counter that looks perfectly clean?" I feel like Helen Keller as I clean my granite because I basically have to close my eyes and slowly feel with my left hand for gunk, and then wipe with my right hand. Then after all the blind scrubbing I have to use a special granite cleaning spray (there is a good one at Target) to get it back to a pretty shine. And, as soon as my kids eat on it I have to wipe it up, and then it is not shiny 5 minutes after I used the special shine spray. It just feels like a losing battle all day long. I really miss my formica. I went to a new house focus group a couple of months ago. They wanted to know what kind of counters people liked in their homes. I decided this would be my chance to share my views, and I was sure there would be some other granite sufferers out there too. Nope, they all looked at me like I was crazy. So, I know I am alone in this, but I just had to share my dirty little secret, seriously they are always dirty.


Me - Jen said...

So Strange, Becky and I had this conversation yesterday. I hate my granite too!! I would love to change mine, but my dear Ben is not on board with it. Oh well what can we do!!

Lisa said...

Ditto, Molly! Who needs such a high-maintenance kitchen counter!!

Amanda said...

I also agree. It looks clean at first, but it is always dirty. You're not the only one!

Jonah said...

I was so excited when we moved to TX and had formica countertops instead of the tile they have in Los Angeles! My realtor thought I was CRAZY!!

Janis said...

I've never said Hello to granite and after reading this I don't think I ever will! I also vote for formica!!

Jenn S. said...

Gasp! Please do not tell me this after I just spent a small fortune tearing out the nasty old formica and installing beautiful shiny granite in my kitchen. LOL!

Too funny - I hated my formica - I would have traded you and it could have been a win-win situation. ;)