Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Time to make a decision...

I think that there needs to be a parenting book about making decisions. I have realized that this is one of my biggest responsibilities as a Mom, making decisions. And to be honest, I am really bad at making decisions. I second guess almost everything I do, I have lots of regrets, I return almost half of everything I buy, I just can't make up my mind! You would think after so many years of practice, I would be getting better at making decisions. Just make a decision, and move forward, don't look back. No, I seem to be getting worse! Ok, here are some examples. Should my kids take swim lessons or not? I mean, they are really good at swimming, but they don't really know the official strokes. Should they know these at 7 and 5? And if they take them, where, and private or not? What summer camps should they be involved in, how many hours, how many days? How many camping trips should we take this summer? Where should we go camping, should we use the old tent or buy a new one? How many pairs of shorts should I buy for Spencer this summer? How much tv should my kids watch? Can they watch more if it is "educational?" What in the world do I do with these kids all day long? Am I supposed to be playing with them all the time? What do I make for dinner tonight? Should I drive further to the cheaper grocery store of just go to the more expensive close one? Do I have to go to enrichment when I really have no interest in the activity? Can I go to the mall instead? Should I tell Jeremy I am going to the mall instead of enrichment, or just go? Can I ask a friend who is also in the ward to come to the mall with me? Is that wrong? Do I have to use those awful fluorescent money saving light bulbs? What am I supposed to wear today? Is it bad to keep eating white rice when I know the brown is better for me? And, I have not even mentioned the big decisions about where to live, what schools, jobs, having kids, all that good stuff. Good luck out there, I am already second guessing this post.


Danna said...

Your posts always brighten my day! I just try to remember to "not sweat the small stuff" and take it "one day at a time" when there are too many decisions to be made. I'm married to one who will not make the decision until the last minute--drives me nuts, but I have to learn to live. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I don't think you should lie to your husband about where you're going. And you should make for dinner whatever is his favorite. Wasn't that easy?

-A secret admirer

Heather Rice said...

Oh this is totally me...I'm the worst! My poor husband has to listen to me babble back and forth about things. One decision I struggle with is whether or not to take my kids to the doctor. Lame, I know.

Karen said...

Haahahah, I have no advice for you like your wise friends and husband. You have way more descions to make in your life than mine. Whenever we do have descions to make we always just say well I guess we will do apx again so I guess my advice is maybe you should do apx next summer.

Juliana said...

You are absolutely hilarious. Great questions... the same ones I find myself asking all the time(but I love enrichment so I always go... I'm a nerd I guess) Should I be playing my kids all day? It gets kind of boring... I mean I would rather do the internet or something. I can handle a little playing, but let's get real. As for what to wear... find something that doesn't stink and wear it. That's my policy. Don't buy the cheap nasty lightbulbs for the rooms you're in most (only for your kids rooms ha ha ha) I love you- good luck! let me know what you decide!