Thursday, October 1, 2009

Oh Yes, We Do!

I was going to post a picture, this is the Evans Family on swine flu, but my camera seems to have disappeared. Anyway, we have the flu. The boys were tested yesterday, and came back positive. The Doc said any positive Influenza A flu results are 99% chance H1N1 at this point, because that is the strain of flu spreading around here. They will only do further testing if you are hospitalized. Spencer started us off and now Matthew has joined him. Let me just say, it has not been that bad. Spencer has had a very persistant fever and cough, and that is about it. Matthew so far has just had a fever. He got Tamiflu at the very beginning so hopefully he will get over it quick. Am I worried about my pregnant self? Not really. Hopefully this will all pass without too much excitement. I'll keep you posted!


Erin said...

Good luck! I hope that you all get better soon! We saw your boys at the pool Monday night. At least Matthew got a good swim in before he got sick right?

Stacey said...

Hope everyone gets feeling better soon!

BrianJ said...

Oh yuck! My brother and nephew had it a few months ago and his wife and daughter were spared---hopefully only the Evans boys get it!

Kathy said...

You are part of history in the making getting the swine flu! But I hope everyone's well soon and there are no new cases!

Anonymous said...

Molly, you should call your OB, pregnant women are especially suseptable and the CDC recommends treatment right away. If you develop ANY symptoms call right away!!
(sorry to be a downer =), its the nurse practitioner side of me!!)

Jana said...

I hope that you guys get feeling better soon. Hopefully you won't get it.