Tuesday, October 6, 2009

We survived

I really need to find my camera! Until then I just wanted to let you know that we are doing great. All the boys in my house got the flu, and everybody was put on tamiflu and recovered very quickly. Who was the biggest baby of the week? Well, that is my little secret, but by the end of the week it was definitely me. At the beginning of the week the boys were all lethargic and napping with their fevers. Then the drugs kicked and they were running around like wild animals, but I still needed to keep them home. Ugh, by the weekend I was losing it! I am happy to report that everybody is happy and healthy and back to the usual routines.

Oh, greatest quote of the week. The morning Matthew got sick, and the day before Sam did.

Sam: Matthew come over and lick me. Pretend like you are a dog.

Mom: What??? Stop it!! This is not a good day to be playing dogs! In fact, this game is now banned from our house.


Danna said...

Hahahaha! That was funny--kids say the darndest things! Glad you all are feeling better (and hopefully you didn't get the flu too?)!

Katie said...

Great quote of the week.
Glad the fam survived so you can be ready for your special day!

Lewis Family said...

Haven't read the blogs for a while... sorry your boys have had the swine flu!!! Glad they are doing better. Take care of yourself, let us know when the baby comes.

WendyJ said...

So glad to hear you're all well. We play dogs at our house too, except I have them go and fetch me things.