Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Baby Theories

I have this idea that the way my children came into this world, their birth stories, just happen to match their personalities. Most people I tell this to say that I am just finding ways for their personality to match something that happens during their birth story. Maybe, but I think it is fun anyway. So, here they are.

This whole theory began because of Spencer who came into this world exactly the way you would describe it if you know Spencer. He got stuck. He turned himself into a certain position and refused to come out. I pushed for 3 1/2 hours. The doctor turned his head several times and he immediately turned it right back. Then between my pushing and his head position, he got really stuck. After three hours of pushing the doctor recommended a c-section because this baby was not going to budge. She said she would let me keep pushing for 30 more minutes if I wanted. Well, who do you think is more stubborn between Spencer and I? I pushed for 30 more minutes. Then I was taken into a c-section. They had a hard time getting him out of his stuck position, turned the wrong way, smashed into my pelvic bone. This is so Spencer. It just makes sense we would have to cut me open and reach in and make him come out. Of course once he arrived, he was perfectly happy to be out and was a great baby!

Then came Sam. I really did not want to have another c-section. I needed him to cooperate. I went into labor one day before my due date. Everything was progressing fine, and then I got stuck at a 5. Labor just stopped. Sam probably got distracted and started doing something else besides trying to come out. The hospital sent me home and about 7 hours later labor started up again. This time I made it to the pushing. Then they realized his head was turned the same way Spencer's had been. Of course, he had to copy his brother. But, Sam is different from his brother in many ways. The doctor told me to push a certain way to help him turn. He did. He came out. Sam is very independent and imaginative, but he also tries really hard to be obedient. It just makes sense that he tried to come out his own way, but when asked he turned the right way.

Then there is Matthew. That is when I knew my theories had to mean something. At about 32 weeks pregnant I just felt like it was time for this baby to come out. I just felt done being pregnant. I felt like I was 40 weeks even though I wasn't yet. I didn't know how I was going to make it through 8 more weeks! Then one week later at 33 1/2 weeks I went into labor. This couldn't be. But it was. We went to the hospital. I tried to convince every nurse that helped me that they should not stop my labor because I just knew this baby was done. They really thought I was crazy. They stopped my labor and put me on bed rest. One week later I was taken off bed rest and had a scheduled induction because of my high blood pressure. As soon as I started walking around I went into labor. This baby was coming out. They never had to induce me. He was born over 5 weeks early at 7lbs. 2 oz. He did not spend one second in the NICU. That is so Matthew. Matthew just gets things. He understands things way above his age level. He also will do just about anything to please me. I am convinced he came early just because he knew how happy that would make me. And I gave my doctor a big thank you for letting the baby come when he was ready, and of course a huge I TOLD YOU SO!


Rachel said...

I love this. Your boys will love to read this too (probably when they are older). Thanks for sharing.

Katie said...

Can't wait for baby #4's story!

Karen said...

hahahha, I love this post. I love that you know your children so well that you can put their birth stories together with their personalities. And it's all true, that's really how your boys are.

Amanda said...

Wow, I love that theory! I will have to think about it for my kids. And I can't wait to hear the next birth story.

Mom said...

I agree with you whole heartedly, so now why were you,yourself, Molly Dolly, 3 days overdue?

love, MOM

WendyJ said...

I can't believe how differently they all came into the world. It'll be fun to hear story #4

Kathy said...

I'm wishing you an easy, obedient delivery for your next easy, obedient baby!

And they do say.....our personalities are part of our pre-mortal selves, so your theory does make sense to me!

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

I had never thought about that before. I will have to pay attention to see if there is a correlation. I'm curious if your next one will follow suit.

Jenn S. said...

so funny! I had never heard your birth stories before - love them! Looking forward to #4! :)