Monday, November 2, 2009

Stress Time

Does anybody else get stressed about attending parent teacher conferences? I really can't stand this week. I pretty much start dreading this week from the day that school starts. And for some reason I feel alone in this. Jeremy told me last night that every parent feels like I do. Nice try, I know that is not true. Most of my friends look at me like I am crazy when I tell them that I don't like parent teacher conferences. They seem to enjoy it, even look forward to going. This completely baffles me. I guess it would be fun to go and hear that your kid is the shining star of the class. But, most kids cannot fit this mold. Most kids are just average, and I just think it is not that fun to be told twice a year, your child is average. He is really good at this, and needs to work on this. Ok, I'll get right on that. See you in the Spring!


BrianJ said...

I mostly look forward to the conference because it's a chance for me to meet their teachers. But I also like hearing about my kids' academic strengths and weaknesses.

But hey! at least you can take comfort in knowing that Jeremy is wrong.

Karen said...

Well I have no comment on your post, I'm not to that stage in life yet but I did hate when mom went when I was a student. but mostly I just want to ask you when are you going to post pics of the boys in their halloween costumes?

Kathy said...

I think they are pretty lame. I've always felt like the teacher is trying to get it over with as quickly as possible, and makes me feel like I'm bothering them if I ask questions! Yep, stress. I just use the time to tell the teacher how much I appreciate all they are doing. They really do have a super hard job! (teaching MY kids, that is!)

WendyJ said...

So sorry you don't like them. Yes, I do look forward to them. I personally believe that teachers favor girls a bit more anyway, so that may be a bit of your frustration. I like to ask questions and make the teacher work for me. That's how it should be, right?