Friday, November 4, 2011

This never looks like This

Ok, maybe it does. But why? Why? Why does my family room always look like this? I have tried so many different organizing tips. It just doesn't matter how well I organize or store things. They dump it all out. They love pulling the couch cushions off. This drives me crazy. CRAZY!


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

How did you get a picture of my house? Well, I guess just my floor at least.

Marianne said...

Haha! This just made my day! Thanks for the laugh, and I'm SO glad I'm not the only one...

Karen said...

Same! I just pick up toys. All. Day. Long. For five minutes at a time my house feels clean. I figure if I add all those five minute increments up I have a clean house for 1 hr a day. Good enough for me.

Lisa said...

I love it! You know THEY say that someday we will yearn for a child's mess to clean up. I wonder what that will feel like?

kleps said...

I don't know if you know, but I LOVE reading your blog! We share so many experiences, thoughts and feelings! Plus you keep me laughing!! :)
I miss you!

lizi said...

My house never looks like that. Yeesh what a mess :) Ha. My house looks like that all the time too. I don't get it at all.

WendyJ said...

We're having World War 3 at our house, because I turned into crazy mom and put all the kids stuff into bags and locked it up, we're talkin pad locks. The clutter and garbage were making me go psychoooo. The drama is more than I can bear at times. Oh the humanity.

Anyway, can't wait to see you guys!!