Sunday, August 29, 2010


I love her. I hate her. She is brilliant. She is literally the Devil. We have a very tormented, complicated relationship. I tried not to watch her this past season. I am feeling a little torn with this "last" season coming up. She said on her website she is trying to create moments for this last season. Moments, people. Is that worth my time? No, I hate her! But....

I do have to say that she did give me the gift of my favorite all time TV moment ever. Do you remember when she gave all those cars away to every member in the studio audience? And they were all teachers? I'm sorry, but that was awesome.

We were living in Utah at the time, and the season premiere of Oprah was on a Monday. That had been advertising for weeks, maybe months about a big surprise. I was mildly intrigued. When I was at church on the Sunday before a lady from my church told me her daughter was going to be on the show, who was a teacher. The show was about teachers. So, she had ruined the "big" surprise, but I decided to watch anyway since I practically knew one of the people on the show! Do you remember the moment? First, she gave away cars to about 10 people on the stage who were all teachers and had sad, sad car situations, if any at all. It was great, they all get cars. Then she said that one lucky audience member would get a new car too. Check under your chair for a box and the one with the key wins! They start opening. Their is screaming and confusion. And then, Oprah is screaming and jumping. I am crying and smiling so big. They all get a car. EVERY BODY GETS A CAR!!!! I'm laughing and crying at the same time. This is so fun!! Then she walks the entire audience out to the parking lot and there they are. All the cars. It was great. I love her. Maybe. not.


Sally said...

I couldn't agree more.

Heidi said...

I think I saw that one. I'm confused on this whole Oprah thing. I have never watched her regularly. I have purposely NOT watched her the past few years.

But then I saw a commercial saying it was the last season and I thought maybe I should watch some of them just since it's the last season. But I really don't want to give her that much of my time.

I'm sure if any of the "moments" are really fabulous it'll be all over the internet and you can see it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one with the love/hate relationship.

Andrea said...

Me too! I actually haven't watched her for quite awhile and I don't plan on watching this year.

Janis said...

Ditto from me too! In fact a few years ago when I was teaching a marriage class at church, more people were giving comments from Oprah than from what it said in the scriptures. And they admitted spending more time watching her than reading in their scriptures. She has way too much power over women and what they think.

Lisa said...

Molly, Oprah is no good. No good at all. I don't care if she shows up at MY house with a car. I might take the car but it would not change my opinion of her!

Kathy said...

Not an Oprah fan. And I'm even a "Chicago-an" where everybody loves Oprah. I was scared to share my opinion in public! She's very skillful at reining in our feminine emotions and using them to get us on board with whatever she wants to. She really is good at it! But she is an entertainer, not someone to base your philosophy or values on.