Monday, July 27, 2009

Camping at Cascade

We had another great camping trip with our friends who were so generous sharing their camping sight and boat and food with us. They just make camping easy!! We all had a great time and I survived my one night of camping for the summer. Phew!


Anonymous said...

Where is a picture of yours truly? I am not sure you really went camping, I need proof!

Karen said...

Wow good for you! Weston is still begging for that one night of camping and I just can't do it. It would be a lot more enticing with a boat though. I love the picture of matthew and sammy on the boat. Classic Matthew!

MollyE said...

That is not Matthew on the boat with Sam, it is their friend Andrew!

Lisa said...

Hehe.. yeah, Matthew wouldn't be caught dead wearing goggles just to avoid a little water spray in the eyes!! Looks like you might have had enough fun to do it again next year... or not... :)

Stacey said...

I'm jealous of all your fun summer adventures!

Lewis Family said...

Wow Molly that looks so fun!!! Even if it IS camping.