Wednesday, January 7, 2009


My kids have taught me so many lessons, especially Spencer. Probably because he is the oldest, but mostly I think it is because, well... he is just Spencer. He lost his first tooth a couple days after Christmas. Literally, he lost it. We were getting out of the car one day and Sam told us that Spencer lost his tooth. What? Jeremy and I went over to Spencer, yup he had lost it and that was it. First tooth, gone. Then today he headed off to school with a really loose tooth. Jeremy put a little plastic bag in his backpack and told him to put his tooth in there if it came out. I was going through his backpack at the end of the day, and there it was, a little tooth in his bag. He didn't tell anybody, he just pulled it out before recess and put it in his backpack. I asked him why he didn't tell me that he lost another tooth. He said, "Well, I already lost my first tooth, this was just another tooth." Ok, loosing teeth not a big deal. Got it.


Stacey said...

That's so cute that he put it in the little baggy. He looks so grown up in that picture.

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Does he know about the tooth fairy? Maybe the money potential would spark a little excitement. ??

Me - Jen said...

Hey you just saved yourself a couple of bucks, go buy yourself a Coke!!

BrianJ said...

Uh, wow! Let's just say that's not how tooth-losing goes in my house. Again: wow.

Karen said...

Hahaha, that made me laugh out loud. That is definetly spencer for ya!