Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fun Times

Ok, these pictures turned out bad, I admit it. I would like to say my camera is on the fritz, but mostly I think I am on the fritz. But, I do love decorating the tree with the boys. They were all really into it this year. I love all the ornaments they put in that one line right by where they could reach.


Stacey said...

Looks like so much fun! Hopefully we'll be decorating our tree soon! You are coming right?

WendyJ said...

The kids tree is in their bedroom. They get to decorate it however they want. My tree, however is off limits. You're such a good mom, and aren't we all a little on the fritz?

Lisa said...

Your green wall looks FAB behind that tree!

Karen said...

I will always look at your tree and think of my engagment. All of our pictures after the big moment happend in front of it so you can't ever change how you decorate it. I know all my comments end like this but please, please, please come for Christmas