Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Every neighborhood has some crazy walking lady. I think I am definitely in the running in my neighborhood. I am out there a lot, and I like to see how high I can get my ponytail to bop. I don't have any moisture wicking clothing, and sometimes I don't wear the appropriate ankle socks with shorts. Sometimes I even do some boxing punches to kick it up a notch or little dance moves when a good song comes on. Anything to burn some extra calories. Oh well, I am out there and I really don't care.

But lately walking has started to feel kind of boring. My neighborhood is completely flat, and just kind of boring. So, I have been having to walk longer and longer to start to feel anything. And my kids were starting to get bored in the stroller. And then I started to have this urge to run. And I just really wanted to take off running. But I resisted the urge because I HATE running. I think it is very silly, and painful, and jiggly and really painful!

A couple of weeks ago I couldn't resist the urge anymore. Despite my head screaming no, my legs said yes and started off in a slow jog. It was really painful, and I realized I was moving slower than when I was walking. I did that for a couple of days and then I just said forget it. I look ridiculous, and this is really painful.

Then last week I had a new idea. Forget this slow jogging junk, I am just going to run. I am going to run fast. And I love it! I just run my heart out until it hurts and then I take a break, then run again when my lungs are ready. It is not as painful or jiggly and even though I might look silly, I feel strong and powerful. So, now I might be a runner, but I still think I win the crazy walking lady award in my neighborhood who now starts sprinting at random times inbetween her walking. Whatever!


Emily S. said...

I think that it is really cool! I also hate running but maybe I just need to give it a chance. The sad thing is I am not walking or running right now. I am not doing anything in that regards! You go girl!

BrianJ said...

Sprinting is always more fun than jogging. A pox on jogging! Death to jogging!

These are actually the reasons I took up cycling: you get to go fast so it's not boring, but it's still a great workout. Add a bike trailer with 60 lbs of kid in it and you'll be glad your neighborhood has no hills.

barlows said...

K. I totally laughed out loud at that! Maybe it's because I CAN BARELY WALK after my three measly days at the gym or maybe because my sister and I were feeling bad for the "ugly runner" this morning on the gym's track, but either way you just perked up my night! I say run like the wind WHILE dancing AND adding in some kick-boxing moves. That'll really be a treat for the neighborhood.

Karen said...

Way to go, I think your sprints sounds awesome. I do like running so I'm one of the weird ones. I remember always thinking before I ran that people who like it are totally weird and now I"m one of them.

Rachel said...

Believe it or not, I have read about this method of training (run hard till you want to stop, walk for a while, then run again). So don't worry if people are laughing: this is an expert-advised regimen you're doing! It's exactly how I started running too. I used to walk in the morning and then one day I just wanted to go faster... Now I'm back to walking again :)

Lewis Family said...

You are an inspiration. Love it!

Me - Jen said...

Keep on running Forest!! Good for you!! Just remember to stop and talk to the slow walkers, like myself, every once in awhile!

SaMaTo said...

I love it! You ARE the crazy running lady. I saw you the other day & I didn't know it was you...until you passed. I was so scared I told the kids to run in the garage. :)

Kjerstin Evans Ballard said...

5 miler in Moab...I am out of shape right now, but running when I could was one of my very favorite things. And it took me forever. I started with a seven-block circuit and worked up. (I broke up with a couple of boys along the way which didn't hurt.)

I'm glad you get to feel the wind in your hair! ke