Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The only one who cared...

Family pumpkin carving didn't go so well this year. I had high hopes because last year Spencer and Sam were pretty into it and each did a little bit of the carving. This year, nothing. Sam was the only one to show any interest. His interest peaked at picking the design and agreeing to stand by the pumpkin for a picture when I finished carving the thing. Oh well. Jeremy and I had fun kinda, and he made his delicious pumpkin seeds which was definitely the highlight. Definitely worth the digging.


Me - Jen said...

All I can say is WOW... You carved pumpkins inside!!!! WOW!! That is a outside activity and I don't care if the wind chill is -20, I refuse to carve pumpkins indoors. Maybe because I am waiting for the day someone cuts their finger off, I don't want blood on the floor!!

Karen said...

That's a great carved pumpkin!

Heidi said...

I was about to post about our carving experience which was very similar. What's your pumpkin seed recipe?

Rachel said...

I'm a fan of painting pumpkins. But then, no seeds. Have you seen "Yes we Carve?" It's awesome.