Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My Olympic Moment

I practiced for months, every day, sometimes for hours. I put my heart into getting my "routine" just right. I added difficulty to improve on the piece. In the end my nerves kicked in and I messed up on the easiest part. Not a gold medal performance. It may have qualified for a silver, at least a bronze. I was happy. There is always the next performance. I am talking of course about my first Sunday playing accompaniment for our Ward Choir. It was the most nerve wracking thing I have done in a very long time. No matter how many times you practice, when it comes to performance time those nerves kick in. Frustration!!!


Me - Jen said...

You did an awesome job. Next time you are nervous think about how you could be in primary!!

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

I thought this was leading up to the clogging event you were practicing for outside the Riviera apartments.

Stacey said...

Terrifies me too, funny thing is, is that no one even notices the piano until you make a mistake. But, uh, don't think about that.

Karen said...

I'm sure you did amazing. I was really wondering what event you were talking about at first. The suspense was killing me.

Lisa said...

Odds are that no one even noticed! Wish I could have been there! **wink wink**