Thursday, April 7, 2011

Babies that Swim

Nathan is a crazy baby swimmer. You can't believe it until you see it. Last night he was doing back flips over and over. And we taught him how to blow bubbles so he would stop sucking up so much water. He caught on immediately. Most of the time he rides around on Jeremy's back and helps him chase down the other three. If you are holding him in the pool it is really hard because he is just trying to jump out of your arms the whole time. If you put him on the stairs he crawls as fast as he can to dive off the stairs into the deeper water. This is not my first crazy baby swimmer. It is my fourth. We get lots of stares. Especially when we throw him out into the middle of the pool. I know it seems nuts, but he loves it so much. He comes up smiling with water pouring through his gap teeth. Oh my.


BrianJ said...

The future of US water polo?

Stacey said...

I wanna see!

Juliana said...

I love reading your blog Molly. It makes me so happy. I can relate to your posts and I feel what you are writing! You are such a fun mom... and have a great way of putting experiences into words. I miss you! said...
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