Friday, January 15, 2010

A Circus Act??

I have been in the car a couple of times now with my boy brood, and I gotta say it felt strange. Like we are a circus act. It feels like boys are endlessly pouring out of my car doors. We only added one, but it feels like 10. Other than that I have had two weeks of wonderful help from my mother and Jeremy's mother. I will now conquer week 3 solo. This should be interesting since I don't really wake up or become coherent until about 2pm. Someday I will post more pictures...


Stacey said...

Yeah, I can't believe that you have all those boys! Good luck this week!

Stacey said...

And Happy Anniversary!

Rebecca said...

How does one celebrate 11 years of wedded bliss with 5 boys in your home!
Congratulations to all of you!!!

love MOM and DAD

Jenn S. said...

Godspeed! The first week alone is scary with three, can't imagine four! In no time it will seem totally normal. :)

WendyJ said...

Yes, 4 girls still feels like a circus act, especially in Seattle where more than 1 kid is ghastly. I think people think we're more of a freak show than a circus act. However, now that everyone is 2+ yr. old it is way more manageable. Good luck!

Lewis Family said...

I know exactly how that feels! Circus act? absolutely! Gotta juggle all those balls in the air while cooking dinner, helping with homework, etc. etc.