Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Summer Phrases

I find myself saying these things a lot over the summer.

"No pushing, shoving, punching, wrestling, or running." Said each time before I take all four of them into a store or public place. It doesn't work, but I feel the need to say it each time.

"Close the front door!"

"Where's Nathan, where's Nathan, where's Nathan?" Said with gradual urgency. He seems to always be missing this summer because he has followed some brother somewhere.


"Go Outside."

"Put your wrappers in the garbage."

"Is your room clean?"

"Everybody get your suits on, it's pool time!" Usually I say this as I bust out of my room already in full swim gear. It gets a great reaction every time because if Mom is in her swimsuit, we might actually make it to the pool.


Rebecca said...

How about, "Because I'm the mom and I said so"

MollyE said...

That is what I say after all of those things!

Rachel said...

how about "did you flush?" My kids can NOT seem to manage it on their own. Argh.

Katie said...

Love the swimsuit tactic.
If mom is in a suit, she is serious!
Love it!

izzorch said...

I think I am a little bit harsher than you. I often find myself saying, "Go to your room if you are going to whine" or "No privileges until you clean up this mess!" Summer's great, isn't it? But, I know I will miss Jay when he starts first grade.
