Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday Morning Mystery

This morning I went on an early morning run to the Maverick for some milk. Have you had Maverick gas station milk? It is really creamy and good and cheap! Anyway, Matthew and I needed milk for our morning hot chocolate and we were out. Jeremy had already taken Spencer and Sam to their bus on his way to work. We headed out for our breakfast of champions.

We got back into the house, and I unloaded the milk. Matthew and Nathan were playing in the family room. All of a sudden I heard crying. I looked over and both of the boys were happy, it wasn't them. The crying was really loud. I figured it was coming from outside my windows. I started to walk around the house, and it became obvious that the crying was coming from upstairs. I walked back in and looked at the boys again, because it had to be one of them if their was a child crying in my house. Nope, they were both fine. My mind was spinning. The child sounded in distress. Did one of the boys get left behind from school? No, it sounded more like a baby.

Slowly I started to walk up the stairs. I was nervous, what would I find? Was it a toy gone crazy? As I got upstairs I realized the sound was coming from the master bedroom. It was obvious there really was a child crying in my house. Who could it be? I was really nervous! I walked into the bedroom, and then headed to the master bath where the cry was coming from. I paused because I was so nervous. Was this a trick?

I turned the corner into the master bathroom and there was a baby boy lying there in his pajamas crying on the floor. I had never seen this boy before. I didn't know what to do. He looked to be about 18 months to 2 years old. I figured I better pick him up since he was obviously distressed. When I picked him up he stopped crying. He seemed to be in a deep sleep.

Right as I picked him up I remembered something. When I came home I had seen a lady on a cell phone a couple houses down looking worried. I had taken note because it was odd so early in the morning. This had to be his Mom. I went downstairs and out the front door. The lady was gone now. I wandered down the street a bit. I started to head back to my house. The boy was heavy and poopy. What to do next? And then I heard the Mom talking on her cell phone in a panic. I called out to her down the street. She came running. The pure relief of a Mother. She told the police he had been found.

We tried to piece together how this happened, but I think it will always remain a mystery. She woke up and he was gone. I came home and he was in my master bath. My garage was closed. The front door was closed. He must have closed the door behind him? The whole thing is just too weird. And crazy. Totally and absolutely crazy.

I am glad he found his way to my house. I am glad he was safe. There are two large ponds in our neighborhood one block away. He has epilepsy and was probably sleep walking. He was so little and his Mom was visiting her parents in our neighborhood. I'm glad he found refuge in my bathroom so I could take him back to his Mom.


Jeremy said...

Maybe we should put a little kid door on our front door: you know, like a doggy door. With a sign.

Tired? Hungry? Need a diaper change? Make yourself at home!

Andrea said...

That is absolutely crazy! I'm so glad everything turned out well. I was almost in tears thinking of what that mom must have been going through.

Lisa said...

That's crazy!! I wonder how many other houses he tried that had locked doors. I'm glad he was able to find refuge in your home. Tell Jeremy that's a fantastic idea ;)

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

What in the world? I know this woman is going to be telling this story in church for the next 50 years. You will be her angel.

Stacey said...

That is absolutely crazy! I'm glad everything worked out okay.

Rachel said...

First I thought the weirdest thing about this post was going to be that the milk at Maverik is good (and creamy!).

I was so wrong.

This story is just mind-blowing. And proves the saying: truth is stranger than fiction.

BrianJ said...

Amazing story!

Katie said...

Still in shock. . .Ripley's Believe it or Not.
Time for a new episode.

WoW. Really just so strange.
To see a baby in your upstairs room.
So strange.

Katie said...

I teared up too. The relief, utter relief that he is safe and found. All mothers can relate.

You were a life saver today!

WendyJ said...

I was waiting for you to say that it was all a dream. So weird. Wow! Glad he's safe and sound.

Jen said...

That is so CRAZY Molly ! ! What the crap, I have never heard anything like that before!! You are going to be that moms angel. That story could have gone SO bad.

Emily S. said...

wow that is really weird!!! sleep walking scares me because i am a sleep-walker and when i was a kid - I actually walked out of my house. That really is a crazy story!

Laura said...

Wow...totally weird...I had to read this twice because I just thought it was so bizarre! How did this boy end up in your home? I would have been pretty freaked out hearing that crying. So strange. I'm glad that he picked your home!

Jenn S. said...

Moll- I saw Sarah;s post on facebook and had to come out of blog reading retirement to catch up. What the? Crazy, I kept thinking you were going to say that it was another baby that your baby monitor picked up crying, I never expected it to be an actual baby! I do have a theory . .. maybe he was wandering around the neighborhood and someone saw him near your house, guessed he was yours (all those Evans boys!) and opened the front door to help him get back inside (thinking he had somehow escaped his own house) then he becomes confused, wanders around your house and ends up in the last room in the house (master bathroom) to explore? That's my guess, but the whole story is freaky!

Kathy said...

Laura told me about this story and I had to come read it for myself. WILD!!! I can hardly believe it!

I can feel the emotion of you finding the "strange" baby, and the mother's fear, and then relief.


Lewis Family said...

Molly, that is the weirdest thing I have heard in a long time! Glad you were able to help!