Hello all! One last post of 2011. How was your Christmas? Mine was hectic, and lovely, and food-filled deliciousness. I played a killer game of uno with my boys, lovely walks with my Mother-in-law, dates with Jeremy, and I got a Kindle. I am in love. I have to eat a little bit of crow because for the past few years I have experienced some bitter feelings about books going digital. How can you not hold a book? I wanted a kindle as soon as my local library signed up at the end of November to let you borrow books digitally. What? That is crazy! I don't even have to go to the library? This is astonishing to me, and I am still giddy about it. I "borrowed" my first 3 books last night, with several more on hold. With my kindle I have read 5 books since opening it Christmas morning, along with several samples of books I hope to read in the future. I am an obsessive reader anyway, but now I might become worse. Poor children, poor husband. I did make sure to get dinner on the table last night and keep up with the dishes to give the impression I had been working all day instead of reading. Today I again did the dishes and cleaned a bathroom. That should fool them all. This morning I finished reading Tina Fey's book. I told myself I wouldn't get it, because I knew it had some questionable language. Oops. The sample had me laughing out loud, and I might have accidentally pushed the purchase button at the end. Oops. Today I am reading a book about the first ladies and the florist that worked at the white house. Intriguing.
Now, onto resolutions. Well, besides maybe not reading so much. I am happy to say that I accomplished all of my resolutions from last year. At least I think I did because I can't find where I wrote them down. But, I am sure I did. Why wouldn't I? This year I am excited about some new projects. I am switching my cooking blog over to a gluten free/dairy free blog. I want to try and post regularly. But I'm not sure my heart is in it mostly because I don't like taking pictures of the food I cook. What a pain. Because they need to be really good pictures, and I don't have time to cook the food, feed it to my family, and take amazing pictures. Ok, so scratch that. That is not a resolution, just a thought. Next, paint my living room wall. I have been thinking about this for at least 2 years. I can't pick a color. I wanted blue, but my sister in law convinced me to try gold. It is really hard to find gold. I want actual gold, sparkly gold on my walls. Is that too much to ask? So, don't count that one either. I don't know if I have the stamina to find the right gold color this year. Let's see, eat more vegetables? Pinterest keeps shouting at me to go on a 60 day juice diet. That could be interesting. I don't have a fancy blender. So, forget that. I guess I will try again next year. Good luck to all of you. See you in 2012!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Card Me
A friend gave this card to me for my birthday. I love it so much I can't even stand it. Obviously we are BFFs. She totally knew how much this would crack me up. Do you love it? Wait, don't answer that. No really, do you love it???
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Holiday Cheer for Me
I bought this for myself today at Target. Because, well, do you know how much time I spend shopping in the boys and mens departments? Holy cow, it is unbelievable actually. I mean really, really. When I think about it, and how many more years I will spend shopping for these men in my life I just have to run directly to the girls section and throw things in my cart. There was a sign above this nail polish. You know how I love a sign attached to my product telling me how to use it, because I don't have time to figure these things out. This nail polish claimed to dry in 45 seconds. Sold. Because that is about all the time I have to get my nails dry before I need to go fold more boys clothes. Did it work? Like a miracle! So dry, so fast. Go buy yourself some, they had fabulous holiday shades like grey, purple and a lovely deep blue. Treat yo' self!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Northwest Tour
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
It's Gone
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Dipper
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Brothers have good toys
Friday, November 4, 2011
This never looks like This
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
The costumes
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Passion, you got it?
Things I'm passionate about.
Being Passionate. Seriously. Get excited about something, really excited. Get mad about something, get seriously bummed out. Whatever, just feel something!
Bold Statements. I love these things. I make them all the time. They get me into trouble sometimes. But in general I believe if you feel something, say it. If you say something, stand behind it. Be Bold.
Being a Dancer. In my mind. I am awesome!
Food. There are no words.
Music. In my soul. Deep, within my soul, love, need, crave music. There is a soundtrack to every moment in my life, not just the big ones.
My Faith, my Religion.
Being Passionate. Seriously. Get excited about something, really excited. Get mad about something, get seriously bummed out. Whatever, just feel something!
Bold Statements. I love these things. I make them all the time. They get me into trouble sometimes. But in general I believe if you feel something, say it. If you say something, stand behind it. Be Bold.
Being a Dancer. In my mind. I am awesome!
Food. There are no words.
Music. In my soul. Deep, within my soul, love, need, crave music. There is a soundtrack to every moment in my life, not just the big ones.
My Faith, my Religion.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
I am Flawed.
I am sooooo flawed. Doesn't that word sound weird when you say it a lot? Flawed, flawed, flawed. Remember how I told you how much I love a good pity party? Well, you are all invited. I am feeling the weight this month of a lot of responsibility to be a good Mom, Wife, Sister, Friend. And of course, I seem to be coming up short. A lot. Now remember, a good pity party does not require you to make me feel better. In fact, you are uninvited if you feel the need to tell me how awesome I am. I know, it is tough to hold back. If you want to come to my pity party, you need to tell me why you feel you stink too. Because you do. We all do. Ha, ha, ha. I feel better now. Thanks for coming!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Questions with some Answers
Well, I feel like it is time for another post about my son Spencer, who has autism. I had some interesting discussions with family members this summer and realized there are so many questions and relatively little knowledge about my son's condition. Which stems mostly from the fact that the medical community feels the same way. There are so many unanswered questions, they don't even know the cause of autism and why it is spreading like crazy. And every child with Autism is completely unique. The saying goes, If you have met one child with autism, you have met one child with autism. So, here is my update about my son.
Spencer is starting 5th grade this year. He is in a regular classroom, at a public school. He does very well academically, which is becoming more clear as his brothers have begun school as well. He is the most amazing speller. Maybe some of you parents can appreciate this, but we basically have never gone over his spelling list with him through all the years, and he aces his test every week. Lets not talk about vocab, but if you say any word to him, he can probably spell it. Fun, huh?
We have the highest hopes for Spencer. The FAQ's I get all the time, will Spencer go on a mission, will he get married, will he do well in college? I understand why these get asked, I ask myself these questions all the time. But really, can you answer these questions about your 5 year old, your 7 year old, your 10 year old? I'm sure he will do all of that, and more, or maybe not, because you know things happen in life and don't always work out the way you plan or dream. I am learning to roll with things. This is hard for me, but he is the most amazing kid! Spencer is our best job kid. Maybe its his age, maybe not. You give him a list of jobs, and BAM, they are done. Done really well. Spencer goes to scouts, he has gotten all of the awards, no thanks to his Mom that's for sure. Spencer plays the piano, he skis, he swims, he is the best older brother. Spencer loves babies. Thanks goodness my sisters are keeping that going because he is loving it! He cooks, he cleans, he asks to have sleepovers.
He may not always answer your questions when you ask them, but keep talking, keep asking. He is not ignoring you, he doesn't always know how to respond in social situations. And the truth is, if he doesn't find the conversation interesting, he just won't participate. He is not great at social small talk, but that's ok, right? He doesn't really understand vague questions like, how are you? How was your day? If you ask specific questions, you will get a lot more answers. Spencer loves to talk about all that stuff that 10 year old boys love to talk about. Start that conversation with him, and you are golden. If you don't know what that is, take a look around his room. It is all Spencer.
Spencer is starting 5th grade this year. He is in a regular classroom, at a public school. He does very well academically, which is becoming more clear as his brothers have begun school as well. He is the most amazing speller. Maybe some of you parents can appreciate this, but we basically have never gone over his spelling list with him through all the years, and he aces his test every week. Lets not talk about vocab, but if you say any word to him, he can probably spell it. Fun, huh?
We have the highest hopes for Spencer. The FAQ's I get all the time, will Spencer go on a mission, will he get married, will he do well in college? I understand why these get asked, I ask myself these questions all the time. But really, can you answer these questions about your 5 year old, your 7 year old, your 10 year old? I'm sure he will do all of that, and more, or maybe not, because you know things happen in life and don't always work out the way you plan or dream. I am learning to roll with things. This is hard for me, but he is the most amazing kid! Spencer is our best job kid. Maybe its his age, maybe not. You give him a list of jobs, and BAM, they are done. Done really well. Spencer goes to scouts, he has gotten all of the awards, no thanks to his Mom that's for sure. Spencer plays the piano, he skis, he swims, he is the best older brother. Spencer loves babies. Thanks goodness my sisters are keeping that going because he is loving it! He cooks, he cleans, he asks to have sleepovers.
He may not always answer your questions when you ask them, but keep talking, keep asking. He is not ignoring you, he doesn't always know how to respond in social situations. And the truth is, if he doesn't find the conversation interesting, he just won't participate. He is not great at social small talk, but that's ok, right? He doesn't really understand vague questions like, how are you? How was your day? If you ask specific questions, you will get a lot more answers. Spencer loves to talk about all that stuff that 10 year old boys love to talk about. Start that conversation with him, and you are golden. If you don't know what that is, take a look around his room. It is all Spencer.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Chalk Art
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Phone Wars
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Utah or Bust
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I know you agree
Cream cheese and sour cream should be in the same place in the grocery store. This has bugged me for years. I just stare at all the dairy products and wonder, where in the world is the cream cheese? Oh, by the cheese. Which is always across the store from the dairy. Bug, Bug, Bug. Anybody else?
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Blog it, Baby
Kohl's is a super weird store. What is up with that place? I can't figure it out. Jeremy and I have this rule we try to live by, which is get the house speciality. For example, when we go out to eat, order what the place does best. If you are at a burger joint, get a burger. Do not try their fettuccine alfredo, you will be disappointed. We break this rule all the time, and we always remember why we had the rule in the first place. Get the speciality, it's what they do best. It will be good. So, Kohl's baffles me. What is their thing? First of all, the women's clothes are pretty weird there. Their shirts seem to be really drapey and they have weird designs on them. Am I the only one? Department stores in general really confuse me. I used to know exactly what to do with them. Head straight to the juniors department. Well, that's over, let's face it, right? So what is up with the women's section at these stores? They are divided into sections with weird names and take up several floors. What is the meaning behind all of these sections? Can't they just have a section for pants, skirts, shirts? I don't get it. I am kind of stuck in a Gap funk. I don't really know where else to go. Not a bad place to be stuck in, but I feel like I have been there for 20 years now.
What is up with celebrity Moms? I'm so tired of them trying to tell us what great moms they are. They always have to tell us, really tell us that they spend lots of time with their children. And they do it without "much" help. Oh, and we definitely send all the help home during the night, because we are not crazy! All of the great Moms I know have never had to tell me that they are great and then convince me that is true because they spend so much time with their kids. And I totally buy into it because I am pretty much running away from my children, literally hiding in the closet with chocolate in hand. Oh, and by the way my celebrity friends who I don't have but might be reading this blog. I'm sure you have never done this, but don't give your 18 month old a bowl of spaghettios to eat all by himself while you blab on the phone to your sister. He will smear them all over himself, and then dump the rest of the bowl on his head.
What is up with celebrity Moms? I'm so tired of them trying to tell us what great moms they are. They always have to tell us, really tell us that they spend lots of time with their children. And they do it without "much" help. Oh, and we definitely send all the help home during the night, because we are not crazy! All of the great Moms I know have never had to tell me that they are great and then convince me that is true because they spend so much time with their kids. And I totally buy into it because I am pretty much running away from my children, literally hiding in the closet with chocolate in hand. Oh, and by the way my celebrity friends who I don't have but might be reading this blog. I'm sure you have never done this, but don't give your 18 month old a bowl of spaghettios to eat all by himself while you blab on the phone to your sister. He will smear them all over himself, and then dump the rest of the bowl on his head.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Summer Talk
I just switched my insurance and went from paying $150 a month to $60 a month. I know I shouldn't share such info, but isn't that crazy? We have been with Geico for 8 years, and then they hassled me over a bill on the phone and I threatened to leave. I knew that would really get them! Ha, ha! I immediately got off the phone and switched over to Progressive. Those commercials really got me. Anyway, easiest switch in the world, I did it all online in a few minutes, and can you believe the savings? Seriously. Think about it people.
I really liked summer until it hit 98 degrees. Now summer is not that fun anymore. The fighting is nonstop and nobody wants to play outside anymore. Oh, and the ants have arrived. Did you know I get my milk delivered? I have been doing this for about 6 months and I love it. No more last minute runs to the store when I run out of milk. And we drink a lot of milk, They are also drinking me out of house and home. What does that mean anyway? That saying makes no sense. It should be they are drniking me out of cute clothes and fun vacations. For them of course.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Summer Phrases
I find myself saying these things a lot over the summer.
"No pushing, shoving, punching, wrestling, or running." Said each time before I take all four of them into a store or public place. It doesn't work, but I feel the need to say it each time.
"Close the front door!"
"Where's Nathan, where's Nathan, where's Nathan?" Said with gradual urgency. He seems to always be missing this summer because he has followed some brother somewhere.
"Go Outside."
"Put your wrappers in the garbage."
"Is your room clean?"
"Everybody get your suits on, it's pool time!" Usually I say this as I bust out of my room already in full swim gear. It gets a great reaction every time because if Mom is in her swimsuit, we might actually make it to the pool.
"No pushing, shoving, punching, wrestling, or running." Said each time before I take all four of them into a store or public place. It doesn't work, but I feel the need to say it each time.
"Close the front door!"
"Where's Nathan, where's Nathan, where's Nathan?" Said with gradual urgency. He seems to always be missing this summer because he has followed some brother somewhere.
"Go Outside."
"Put your wrappers in the garbage."
"Is your room clean?"
"Everybody get your suits on, it's pool time!" Usually I say this as I bust out of my room already in full swim gear. It gets a great reaction every time because if Mom is in her swimsuit, we might actually make it to the pool.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
My Blondie
I think this is how I will always picture Sam in my mind, hanging out with the trees, he loves the outdoors so much. Happy Birthday Sam! He is the kindest, most caring brother anybody could ever have. He is the ultimate protector of all his brothers. He takes on their highs and lows like any loving parent. I find myself trying to convince him not to care so much, and realize I need to let this be. But we all know as parents it is hard to care that much, all the time for so many reasons. He does, and his brothers love him for it. Sam's imagination soars, and he has mad razor scooter skills. I am so glad beyond belief that this angel came into my life 8 years ago. 
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Target This

Monday, May 23, 2011
TIme to Vote!
Please go VOTE for my sister Stacey to be the next bachelorette. Sorry to bug you again, but this is serious now. This is the official vote now. Please take another second and head over to the sidebar on the right side of the site to vote for Stacey. Thanks a million!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Summer Planning
So, now that I got that last post off my chest, I can now tell you why I am going to win Mother of the Year this summer. I think I've talked about winning this award before. What can I say? I am in the running a lot.
I started dreaming about my summer months ago, I go between being terrified and super excited. Obviously we are going to need a game plan. Now I am starting to think that I have already over planned and we haven't even started yet! Here are some of the things on my list. What are your summer plans?
Library Day - never tried those summer reading programs, I think it is time to try.
Piano lessons - I am going to start teaching Spencer and Sam, neither want to.
Swimming - We are going to the pool every day, of course.
Camping - Lots of it.
Doctor Appts. - Lots of them.
Quiet time every day - I am going to "tutor" the older boys while the babe is sleeping.
Gardening - So excited to try strawberries and lettuce this year.
Parks - Lots of them
Bike Rides - If we get our flats fixed
Trips to Oregon and Utah
Park City Vacation - so excited for this!
U2 concert in Seattle - Oh yeah!
Chores - Bring on the charts!
Tans and Buzz haircuts
Sam's Baptism - what another one???
I started dreaming about my summer months ago, I go between being terrified and super excited. Obviously we are going to need a game plan. Now I am starting to think that I have already over planned and we haven't even started yet! Here are some of the things on my list. What are your summer plans?
Library Day - never tried those summer reading programs, I think it is time to try.
Piano lessons - I am going to start teaching Spencer and Sam, neither want to.
Swimming - We are going to the pool every day, of course.
Camping - Lots of it.
Doctor Appts. - Lots of them.
Quiet time every day - I am going to "tutor" the older boys while the babe is sleeping.
Gardening - So excited to try strawberries and lettuce this year.
Parks - Lots of them
Bike Rides - If we get our flats fixed
Trips to Oregon and Utah
Park City Vacation - so excited for this!
U2 concert in Seattle - Oh yeah!
Chores - Bring on the charts!
Tans and Buzz haircuts
Sam's Baptism - what another one???
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Moms Bomb
I need a break. A serious break. Unfortunately, this is not going to happen. I need more than a night out or a even a weekend. A year would be good.
I had a bad Mother's Day. Mostly it was my bad attitude, so don't feel sorry for me. I've been having trouble the past few months finding the joy in being a mother. Then yesterday my Mom and I had a great laugh about how ridiculous mothering can really be. We were both giggling so hard neither of us could get a word out. It felt so great! Most of all I am grateful for a Mom who allowed me to talk to her about how much mother's day stinks instead of telling her how great she is. That was her gift to me, listening, laughing, and loving me for hating our special day.
I had a bad Mother's Day. Mostly it was my bad attitude, so don't feel sorry for me. I've been having trouble the past few months finding the joy in being a mother. Then yesterday my Mom and I had a great laugh about how ridiculous mothering can really be. We were both giggling so hard neither of us could get a word out. It felt so great! Most of all I am grateful for a Mom who allowed me to talk to her about how much mother's day stinks instead of telling her how great she is. That was her gift to me, listening, laughing, and loving me for hating our special day.
Monday, May 9, 2011
She's the One!!!!
My sister Stacey is in the running to be the next bachelorette on this site. Go check it out and leave a comment, or like her, or love her like I do!!!
Friday, April 29, 2011
My Third Son
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Eating Disaster
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