I just switched my insurance and went from paying $150 a month to $60 a month. I know I shouldn't share such info, but isn't that crazy? We have been with Geico for 8 years, and then they hassled me over a bill on the phone and I threatened to leave. I knew that would really get them! Ha, ha! I immediately got off the phone and switched over to Progressive. Those commercials really got me. Anyway, easiest switch in the world, I did it all online in a few minutes, and can you believe the savings? Seriously. Think about it people.
I really liked summer until it hit 98 degrees. Now summer is not that fun anymore. The fighting is nonstop and nobody wants to play outside anymore. Oh, and the ants have arrived. Did you know I get my milk delivered? I have been doing this for about 6 months and I love it. No more last minute runs to the store when I run out of milk. And we drink a lot of milk, They are also drinking me out of house and home. What does that mean anyway? That saying makes no sense. It should be they are drniking me out of cute clothes and fun vacations. For them of course.
You need to be a radio personality or some kind of talk show host. You seriously entertain. I can't even imagine trying to feed that many boys. We eat cereal all the time too. I think it is a perfectly great meal.
I just love your posts! So funny. I think I will look into getting milk delivered. We have none in the house right now.
I'm right with you on this Molly. You have captured the essence of summer with lots of kids. BTW, where do you get milk from?
Hilarious! I love that they are eating us out of cute clothes and vacations. So true too. My dinner tonight that used to have leftovers was all gone and people were still hungry. Bummer.
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