So, sidewalk chalk art is the thing now. Did you know that? It is. All the rage. Get on board. We did for family night. Each family member was given a sidewalk square. There were prizes involved. I wanted to go for the
graffiti look. I won the most emotional and passionate award. Spencer decided to make his about symbols. He won best effort because he was into it the most and really tried to be creative. You can also see
Spiderman made an appearance. Very cool.

Sam finished first with his tic
tac toe board. He won for best use of space and lines. Matthew drew me watching fireworks. How can you not win a prize for that?

Jeremy drew our house. And of course wins the prize for most artistic. Nathan made contributions to all the drawings. He really liked to use his feet to blend the colors.
I love this, all of it. The idea, the pictures, the creatvity. Awseome. So fun.
This is fantastic, I didn't know FHE was suppose to be so organized and creative and fun!!
This is really cool. Alas, our sidewalks are not made of the right material for this sort of art.
Amazing! Darn those sprinklers...
I love it!!!
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