My boys have been really into Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs the past few months. Here are some things they have learned:
Everybody is different. Some people are bashful, some grumpy, some happy, etc. They love to imitate the different personalities of the dwarfs.
Soup is good. Sam loves soup now because they eat it on that movie and get really excited when she is making it. Matthew too, but Spencer is not convinced yet. He likes to play Grumpy when it is soup night.
My boys learned how to wash properly from this movie. I know that sounds weird, but they have a whole scene showing them how to use soap and rinse it off. They love to imitate the wash scene in the bath, it is really cute.
Don't talk to strangers, mean people can disguise themselves as nice. That witch is pretty scary!
Also, I don't know if this has sunk in yet, but I like how the dwarfs treat Snow White. They adore her and fight over who can help her. Of course they only let her stay because she promised to clean and cook. Hmmm, well at least they appreciated her cooking!
I should watch the movie so I can learn a thing or two. Sounds like you really have been watching it a lot at your house, you picked up on some great lessons. Please, please, please come for Christmas. Weston and I are stirring up something great for the Christmas eve program.
Hmmmm . . . I like those lessons. Can I borrow it when they beauty of the video has worn off. I hope your pie night went well!! Wish I could have come!
See, this is weird, 'cause our girls learned exactly the same lessons by watching The Matrix. I guess girls are just wired differently....
This is hilarious. I suppose I could write a whole post on what T has learned from Caillou! No joke, I don't teach him anything. It's all PBS, lol.
Oh, and guess what- I hate pumpkin pie too! But I love anything else pumpkin-y, like the pasta. (And people reading this are going to wonder why on earth I started a pie tangent, lol.)
and pumpkin pasta?
So funny. It's amazing how important these stories are! I took the older two boys to Enchanted and they kept asking questions about the apple and the witch and I realized that they'd never heard the princess stories! They're missing a whole category of culturally shared myths because we didn't watch Disney princess shows at our house.
So cute!
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