The boys had a great time. Look Dixie, Buzz
Lightyear lives on! Matthew is candy crazy. The weather was so nice. I made them wear sweatshirts under their costumes but I think they came home because they were too hot! We ran out of candy here and had to turn out our lights, but overall a great night!
You can't even imagine how happy I am to see that Buzz costume. It reminds me so much of Spencer and the twins obsession back in the day. I just put my Buzz costume in the attic as no one cares to wear it anymore...that was a sad day. Thanks for putting a smile on my face! xx Dixie
Those are cool costumes. I remember being a hobo when I was a kid.
Those last two pics are cute. Mask off, mask on!
Love those cute boy costumes!
So cute! Wish I could have been there! I still remember the year I went trick-or-treating with you guys and Sammy let out a blood curdling scream when a little dog came to the door.
So cute! We also ran out of candy - even with the lights off, the kids still kept coming! ;)
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