Sunday, April 1, 2012

Peter Parker what are you doing?

We had Spring Break this week.  I feel good about how the week went, which is a huge relief.  I feel excited for Summer actually.  But not so excited I won't enjoy 2 more months of kids in school!  Wednesday was a nice lazy, stay at home day.  Late in the afternoon I turned on the tv to browse the channels since all the boys were upstairs.  A rare moment to enjoy a few minutes of a show for me in the middle of the day.  I found one of my favorite movies, Sea Biscuit.  Before even 5 minutes had gone by, three of the boys were downstairs with me.  Whatcha watchin' Mom?  What is this?  Wait, is that Peter Parker?  Yes, that is the actor who plays Peter Parker.  "No Way!!  I've go to go get Spencer he will want to see this!"  That was Sam who is always looking out for Spencer's best interests.  He knows that Spencer loves anything to do with Spiderman.  So, we all watched the movie together.  After awhile, I started getting some funny questions.  Why is Peter Parker riding a horse?  Why does Peter Parker have red hair?  Why is Peter Parker wearing boots?  Where is Mary Jane?  They watched the whole movie with me, but I think they were waiting for Spiderman to make an appearance the whole time! 


Sally said...

How funny!

Katie said...

still laughing

great post

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