Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Blanket House

My sister reminded me today how awesome blanket houses are.  I have fond memories of making these houses and playing in them all day.  I am starting to think that maybe I was not the engineer behind our fantastic houses.  I redeemed myself with cookies!


Lisa said...

I suck at those, too. At least you can bake some mean cookies to compensate.

Karen said...

Wow those cookies look really really good!!!! You have to come so that we can bake cookies togethervand stay up late laughing and talking about who knows what.

WendyJ said...

you're such a good mom. I seriously cannot stand forts. my kids destroy my living room, couch cushions, hundreds of polly pocket pieces, stuffed animals, every blanket in the house later and then guess who gets to clean it up? glad i got that off my chest...