Friday, April 29, 2011

My Third Son

Happy 5th to Matthew! He was born in Utah, but is really Boise grown. He is funny, social, and very kind. I think he has his own unique look, and definitely his own personality. Matthew is a very good friend, and will be happy playing with anybody. He is a great big brother now too!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Eating Disaster

I forgot how messy these little ones are when they move on from baby food, especially since he insists on eating everything that we are. Every meal is a complete disaster. He should get a bath about 3 times a day, but guess if he does. He also insists on using this ginormous fork which is longer than his arm. The prongs are almost as long as his whole face!

Friday, April 22, 2011

My First Son

Ten years ago today this angel came into my life. He is kind, thoughtful, smart, and helpful. He teaches me about life every day. He is becoming quite dashing, don't you think?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Setting Goals

I believe in them. Unless they have to do with Personal Progress or Scouting. Oops, did I just write that out loud? I'm jesting, of course. I mean, who doesn't believe in personal progress? Anyway, goals are good. About a year ago I decided on two goals I would like to update you on.

First goal, have cookies in my pantry at all times. I decided I needed to buy cookies every week at the store. I would always walk down the cookie/cracker aisle and have this panicky emotional breakdown trying to decide whether to buy cookies or not. Kids should have cookies, they will just eat them all in one day, I will eat them all in one day, kids, should have cookies. Back and forth. I just decided not to think about it anymore and every single week I will buy cookies. Can I tell you how great this has been for our family and guests who come visit? Cookies are important tools for rewards, motivation, and socializing. And, cookies are delicious. I am happy to report the cookie buying is now a habit. Aren't you proud of me?

Second goal, a signature scent. We all know those people that every time you are around them, they smell delicious. I wanted to be that friend. Your delicious smelling friend. I decided that I would wear perfume every day, all the time. I would put on a spritz no matter where I was going, or how silly it seemed. I wanted to create a signature scent. This has been going on for about a year. The first few months I was really good about it. I have gotten kind of lazy in my spritzing. But, whether I was good or lazy about it, nobody really noticed. So, either people think I smell delicious and they haven't said anything, or I don't even want to consider the other option. I do get lots of comments whenever I head out and my hair is still wet. The shampoo smell seems to be much more alluring than any perfume. So, that is good to know.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Babies that Swim

Nathan is a crazy baby swimmer. You can't believe it until you see it. Last night he was doing back flips over and over. And we taught him how to blow bubbles so he would stop sucking up so much water. He caught on immediately. Most of the time he rides around on Jeremy's back and helps him chase down the other three. If you are holding him in the pool it is really hard because he is just trying to jump out of your arms the whole time. If you put him on the stairs he crawls as fast as he can to dive off the stairs into the deeper water. This is not my first crazy baby swimmer. It is my fourth. We get lots of stares. Especially when we throw him out into the middle of the pool. I know it seems nuts, but he loves it so much. He comes up smiling with water pouring through his gap teeth. Oh my.