Meet the new girl of the house. We got a dog. It is shocking, really, if you know me at all. Her name is Abby and she is a 5 year old beagle. I am going to try and not be crazy dog picture lady, but she is just so cute! We have had Abby one week, and she has been great! I have definitely had to learn a lot this past week since my dog experience is zero. But so far this new adventure has been mostly fun, and the boys all love her. 
This post has me laughing for many reasons. To start, the title. Hilarious!
Then, the thought of you caving to Jeremy's pleadings to get a dog. Don't try to tell me it was the boys; I know how all this went down. The look on Jeremy's face as he scratched Fiona's chin when you visited us at Thanksgiving....
And congrats! she looks like a pretty dog.
She is so cute! And, this decision was LONG overdue. Does this mean she's coming camping with us this summer???
Cute! This makes me happy.
I love how you have all these "alert" photos of her. Most of the time she's curled in a ball on the couch.
Whenever I come to Boise I wanted to stay at your house but now I'll be too scared to. As cute as she is she is still a dog and dogs are scary!! The name Abby does take a little of the scary out of it though.
Woo hoo! Another girl in the house. Hopefully, she is well behaved and I bet the boys just love her.
You are brave. Good luck!!!
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