Wednesday, July 20, 2011
I know you agree
Cream cheese and sour cream should be in the same place in the grocery store. This has bugged me for years. I just stare at all the dairy products and wonder, where in the world is the cream cheese? Oh, by the cheese. Which is always across the store from the dairy. Bug, Bug, Bug. Anybody else?
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Blog it, Baby
Kohl's is a super weird store. What is up with that place? I can't figure it out. Jeremy and I have this rule we try to live by, which is get the house speciality. For example, when we go out to eat, order what the place does best. If you are at a burger joint, get a burger. Do not try their fettuccine alfredo, you will be disappointed. We break this rule all the time, and we always remember why we had the rule in the first place. Get the speciality, it's what they do best. It will be good. So, Kohl's baffles me. What is their thing? First of all, the women's clothes are pretty weird there. Their shirts seem to be really drapey and they have weird designs on them. Am I the only one? Department stores in general really confuse me. I used to know exactly what to do with them. Head straight to the juniors department. Well, that's over, let's face it, right? So what is up with the women's section at these stores? They are divided into sections with weird names and take up several floors. What is the meaning behind all of these sections? Can't they just have a section for pants, skirts, shirts? I don't get it. I am kind of stuck in a Gap funk. I don't really know where else to go. Not a bad place to be stuck in, but I feel like I have been there for 20 years now.
What is up with celebrity Moms? I'm so tired of them trying to tell us what great moms they are. They always have to tell us, really tell us that they spend lots of time with their children. And they do it without "much" help. Oh, and we definitely send all the help home during the night, because we are not crazy! All of the great Moms I know have never had to tell me that they are great and then convince me that is true because they spend so much time with their kids. And I totally buy into it because I am pretty much running away from my children, literally hiding in the closet with chocolate in hand. Oh, and by the way my celebrity friends who I don't have but might be reading this blog. I'm sure you have never done this, but don't give your 18 month old a bowl of spaghettios to eat all by himself while you blab on the phone to your sister. He will smear them all over himself, and then dump the rest of the bowl on his head.
What is up with celebrity Moms? I'm so tired of them trying to tell us what great moms they are. They always have to tell us, really tell us that they spend lots of time with their children. And they do it without "much" help. Oh, and we definitely send all the help home during the night, because we are not crazy! All of the great Moms I know have never had to tell me that they are great and then convince me that is true because they spend so much time with their kids. And I totally buy into it because I am pretty much running away from my children, literally hiding in the closet with chocolate in hand. Oh, and by the way my celebrity friends who I don't have but might be reading this blog. I'm sure you have never done this, but don't give your 18 month old a bowl of spaghettios to eat all by himself while you blab on the phone to your sister. He will smear them all over himself, and then dump the rest of the bowl on his head.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Summer Talk
I just switched my insurance and went from paying $150 a month to $60 a month. I know I shouldn't share such info, but isn't that crazy? We have been with Geico for 8 years, and then they hassled me over a bill on the phone and I threatened to leave. I knew that would really get them! Ha, ha! I immediately got off the phone and switched over to Progressive. Those commercials really got me. Anyway, easiest switch in the world, I did it all online in a few minutes, and can you believe the savings? Seriously. Think about it people.
I really liked summer until it hit 98 degrees. Now summer is not that fun anymore. The fighting is nonstop and nobody wants to play outside anymore. Oh, and the ants have arrived. Did you know I get my milk delivered? I have been doing this for about 6 months and I love it. No more last minute runs to the store when I run out of milk. And we drink a lot of milk, They are also drinking me out of house and home. What does that mean anyway? That saying makes no sense. It should be they are drniking me out of cute clothes and fun vacations. For them of course.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
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