I got this idea from my sister. Bust out the popsicles in the middle of winter. Why not? I was done with winter this year on January 1st. Not good. It has been a looong one. This is Nathan with his first popsicle. I know I post too many pictures of my baby. I can't help it. I didn't have such a cool camera with my other babies. So, I guess our 4th child is actually going to have the most pictures taken of him. I am tired of long sleeve shirts. So, I went out and drastically highlighted my hair. Seriously streaky, with dark and blond highlights. Too bad the grammys are over. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but I am going to try and rock the look anyway. I can pull it off. Right?? Whats that? You want to see a picture? Not likely!!!
Yes, show us a picture!
I, your sister, did not know u did this to your hair.
Show us please!!!!!!
Do we have to beg, borrow or steal to see a picture of your new "do"??? let's have it honey!!
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