Thursday, April 23, 2009
Going Green... Going Crazy!
Well, that is how I feel about it. Now that the Earth Day celebration is over we can get into it. I think this whole green movement is completely nuts. Wow, I am really going to get it for this one. Let's start with the grocery bag thing. What kind of hoax is that? They are charging us for reusable grocery bags that are going to save them money? Do you know how many of those bags I would have to buy in order to take home all of my groceries each week? I love plastic grocery bags. I recycle them over and over again. I could name 100 things I love to do with plastic grocery bags. They are fabulous, and I won't give in....yet. Why do they make hybrid cars so ugly? Why are "green" light bulbs so fluorescent? I think they use fluorescent lights in prisons and torture facilities. Ummm, maybe talking about torture isn't "green" enough these days. Don't even get me started on the last two states I have lived in charging me to recycle so I can save them money on their landfills. Then they have the nerve not to empty my recycling box that I am paying for because I didn't sort my milk cartons properly. Ugh! Now, lets move on to green cleaning supplies. I don't want to buy them. They are more expensive. Everybody is doing it. Ugh. I can't help it. I bought some.
This stinks. Well not literally, it smells fine. But, it doesn't work half as well as my green apple Palmolive. I miss my Joy. You know what I mean? So, after a going through this giant bottle for a couple of years I will go back to my other dish washing soap.
I just bought these last week. I couldn't help myself!! The pink one is a grapefruit spray from Target. Yummy. It doesn't say anywhere on the bottle antibacterial. So, I am nervous. And the other one is a green bleach spray. I am a sucker for bleach products. I have boys, remember? Hopefully I will have better luck, and look I can save 50 cents on my next green purchase!
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I got the costco laundry "green" soap. Terrible, didn't work at all, But it was in bulk so I had to go through it all, it took months and was painful for me and our clothes.
HAHAHA...that was a funny one, Molly! Amen to everything! It's even greener in the gay bay...and everyone drives Priuses. Thanks for making me smile late on a Thurs. night!
Molly Molly Molly, where do I begin. First of all, I use 4 reusable bags for a week's worth of groceries instead of 12 or so plastic bags. We have a 62 gallon bin for recycling here...and it's free. Some products don't work as well, but hey, does saving the planet not make it all worth it? Whatever
Seattle has really cool recycling where we just pile everything into the bin and the recycling center automatically sorts it. And I mean everything recyclable: paper, plastic, glass. We also have a "food waste" bin for food scraps, food-soiled paper (napkins, pizza boxes, etc.), and yard waste. Someday you'll get that in Boise.
I have to admit that I do like the Kirkland "green" laundry soap. It smells good and I don't think it works less than the Tide we were using before, and it's cheaper by the load than Tide. I'll let you know when we've made it completely through the bottle if it's really as good as the Tide! I've never thought about recycling the way you described it. I definitely see your point.
The elementary had a big thing on recycling so the boys are all about recycling. They went throught he garbage last night and pulled everything out that I could be recycling. I don't get the entire green thing. HOWEVER, I do like the bag thing, I do not like plastic bags. I don't recycle them and they end up taking over my pantry. I just wish I remembered the cloth bags when I went in the grocery store. I agree with you on everything else. I have also been thinking about the fake boob implants that people will be pulling out of our coffins in a million years from now, they don't decompose!! :)
The size of our recycling bins is just ridiculous. If they wanted us to recycle, shouldn't they give us something large enough to hold a week's worth of crap? Eric rolls his eyes and groans every time there's a commercial for being GREEN. Drives him INSANE! We are SO not going green, just out of spite! All those granola hippies can save the planet for us! Okay, I'm totally joking, but still... I can't wait until our kids start pressuring us to save the planet!
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