I keep finding Matthew in the bathroom with crusty, spiky hair because it is filled with hand soap. He goes in there a couple of times a day and "washes" his hair. It is kind of driving me crazy, but it is pretty cute too. This kid is just a nut. He has been the best two year old I have ever had, but I am getting nervous for his threes. He has to disagree with everything I say, and loves to torture Sam endlessly. He just walks around the house creating disasters. I just figure there could be worse things than soap in his hair. Like the pencil drawings all over my walls...
He looks so grown up in that picture.
Where is a picture of the pencil drawings?
Why do kids do the grossest things? Just tonight, Erica was smearing hand soap all over the bathroom mirror. I let her do it too.
Soapy, spiky hair or not, I hardly recognized Matthew, has the gluten free diet changed him that much?
Every post about Matthew makes me laugh out loud. He is so funny and I think he looks so much like Jeremy in this picture. He's all grown up.
I want to know what he's doing to torture Sam.
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