If you want to teach your two year old his colors, eat otter-pops all summer. By the end of the summer he will be able to identify each otter-pop by its color. So happy to check that off my list. Teach Matthew his colors, done! His favorite otter-pop color? Orange.
Ha ha! So funny, Molly! That is a great way teach colors, since every kid loves 'em. You know that dog we just got? Well, he likes Otter Pops too and ate about 5 out of the box in the garage the other day! I'm not liking puppy problems ;( !
We've had Otter Pops all Summer but RR doesn't know her colors. She knows that colors exist and she knows the words for colors, but she hasn't associated the words with the colors. Maybe we started her too early (she just turned two)? Why, Otter Pops, do you not come with a warning label?!
Call me
Good to know. We have like 5 million in our freezer b/c Troy is addicted to them. Now I will put them to good use.
That is hilarious. I need to use this with Max. He especially has trouble with all girl colors: he doesn't know the difference between pink and purple, I think because we don't have a lot of those colors here!
good job, my kids cant seem to figure out otter pops...they aren't a big hit in our home, they dont seem to understand to suck & hold it upside down...maybe i need teach my kids some more motor skills...
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