Christian Bale, I love you. My crush began when I saw him in Newsies about 11 years ago and has been going strong ever since. And here is a quote from my celebrity hunk.
"I think trying to hard to be sexy is the wrost thing in the world a woman can do. What I love about my wife is that she's a really strong-minded, stubborn, fiery woman. I find that sexier than anything else."
Wow, was he talking about me? I mean, I rarely try too hard to be sexy, and stubborn, strong-minded? Ok, we were made for each other.

Oh Gwyneth, what can I say? I can't remember a time when I was not in love with you. You are my favorite actress, and I adore you. I am no fair weathered fan, you are golden in every movie. Shallow Hal? Loved it. Jack Black and Gwyneth? My dream come true!
OK, this guy is just the funniest ever. I get the giggles just looking at him. His facial expressions are A-mazing. Jack Black, you have given me so much laughter and joy. Love ya!
Get that corn out of my face! You made me look like a fool last night
Okay, we need a Jack Black fan club. Have you seen Orange County? SO crude, so funny.
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