On Saturday we decided to take one of our family mall trips. These trips have really have nothing to do with shopping. We make plans to hit all of the kids favorite stores and let them browse to their heart's content. First we hit the bookstore. This works well for everybody, and is probably the highlight. We all grab books and sit and read and read and read. Eventually we drag them all away and say we need to go and try something else. Jeremy throws a tantrum, and then we leave. Pretty much our family could hang out there all afternoon. Next we hit the video game store. Then on to the Disney Store. And then it is time for the pet store. And, that is our mall circuit.
This time as we were heading to the Disney store, we saw the Santa station was already set up and running. We all stood in shock for a few minutes. Really? Santa the second week in November?
Hmmm. After getting over how weird it was I realized there was basically no line to see Santa and maybe this would be a good opportunity to get this done. Now keep in mind my kids have been writing their letters to Santa since at least July. They scour the toy ads and keep me updated on what they are adding to their lists. So, I figured they would be ready to talk to Santa. No way. They were outwardly upset by seeing Santa in November, even angry. They just could not figure out what he was doing here in the Mall. Why is here Mom? What is Santa doing? No, I don't want to talk to him. I will talk to him in December. I will talk to him when it is Christmas time.