Friday, December 11, 2009
Santa Time
The boys did great with Santa this year. They have got the routine down. We had a pajama party with the ward this year. As you can see Matthew came in costume. He is in costume pretty much all day long now. It is his new thing. I love it. Look how old Spencer looks!
Monday, November 30, 2009
I have tried very hard not to complain too much about my pregnancy on my blog. I hope you have all appreciated that! Because every day I want to post about how miserable I am, how uncomfortable I am, how much I dislike being in this state. Now the end is coming near. I am really sick of all this. Here is a little tip about how I am doing, how I am feeling..

I want to wear this every day... everywhere... as clothing... maybe with some nice boots.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Santa, what are you doing here?
On Saturday we decided to take one of our family mall trips. These trips have really have nothing to do with shopping. We make plans to hit all of the kids favorite stores and let them browse to their heart's content. First we hit the bookstore. This works well for everybody, and is probably the highlight. We all grab books and sit and read and read and read. Eventually we drag them all away and say we need to go and try something else. Jeremy throws a tantrum, and then we leave. Pretty much our family could hang out there all afternoon. Next we hit the video game store. Then on to the Disney Store. And then it is time for the pet store. And, that is our mall circuit.
This time as we were heading to the Disney store, we saw the Santa station was already set up and running. We all stood in shock for a few minutes. Really? Santa the second week in November? Hmmm. After getting over how weird it was I realized there was basically no line to see Santa and maybe this would be a good opportunity to get this done. Now keep in mind my kids have been writing their letters to Santa since at least July. They scour the toy ads and keep me updated on what they are adding to their lists. So, I figured they would be ready to talk to Santa. No way. They were outwardly upset by seeing Santa in November, even angry. They just could not figure out what he was doing here in the Mall. Why is here Mom? What is Santa doing? No, I don't want to talk to him. I will talk to him in December. I will talk to him when it is Christmas time.
This time as we were heading to the Disney store, we saw the Santa station was already set up and running. We all stood in shock for a few minutes. Really? Santa the second week in November? Hmmm. After getting over how weird it was I realized there was basically no line to see Santa and maybe this would be a good opportunity to get this done. Now keep in mind my kids have been writing their letters to Santa since at least July. They scour the toy ads and keep me updated on what they are adding to their lists. So, I figured they would be ready to talk to Santa. No way. They were outwardly upset by seeing Santa in November, even angry. They just could not figure out what he was doing here in the Mall. Why is here Mom? What is Santa doing? No, I don't want to talk to him. I will talk to him in December. I will talk to him when it is Christmas time.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
It's Just a Cold
No. No it isn't. This is the cold of death. In fact, it is not a cold. It can't be. There must be some other name for what Jeremy and I have. And by the way we have both been to the doctor, and apparently they think we are big babies and it is just a cold. Whatever!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
We had such a fun Halloween this year! I was actually nervous having it on Saturday because I was afraid the kids would be going crazy waiting until dark to head out. We had a really lovely day with the boys. I'm glad we saved the pumpkin carving until Saturday. It was a great activity, and I didn't have to worry about cleaning them out that well so the pumpkins would last. Here is Jeremy's pumpkin, he wanted the brains to be spilling out...
Sam really did not want to get his hands messy.
We had such a successful carving year. We decided that they each had to make their own faces, no fancy designs from books. They had to be able to draw and carve it themselves. Each of the boys drew their faces, and then did most of the carving themselves. Sam really wanted his pumpkin to have teeth.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Stress Time
Does anybody else get stressed about attending parent teacher conferences? I really can't stand this week. I pretty much start dreading this week from the day that school starts. And for some reason I feel alone in this. Jeremy told me last night that every parent feels like I do. Nice try, I know that is not true. Most of my friends look at me like I am crazy when I tell them that I don't like parent teacher conferences. They seem to enjoy it, even look forward to going. This completely baffles me. I guess it would be fun to go and hear that your kid is the shining star of the class. But, most kids cannot fit this mold. Most kids are just average, and I just think it is not that fun to be told twice a year, your child is average. He is really good at this, and needs to work on this. Ok, I'll get right on that. See you in the Spring!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Baby Theories
I have this idea that the way my children came into this world, their birth stories, just happen to match their personalities. Most people I tell this to say that I am just finding ways for their personality to match something that happens during their birth story. Maybe, but I think it is fun anyway. So, here they are.
This whole theory began because of Spencer who came into this world exactly the way you would describe it if you know Spencer. He got stuck. He turned himself into a certain position and refused to come out. I pushed for 3 1/2 hours. The doctor turned his head several times and he immediately turned it right back. Then between my pushing and his head position, he got really stuck. After three hours of pushing the doctor recommended a c-section because this baby was not going to budge. She said she would let me keep pushing for 30 more minutes if I wanted. Well, who do you think is more stubborn between Spencer and I? I pushed for 30 more minutes. Then I was taken into a c-section. They had a hard time getting him out of his stuck position, turned the wrong way, smashed into my pelvic bone. This is so Spencer. It just makes sense we would have to cut me open and reach in and make him come out. Of course once he arrived, he was perfectly happy to be out and was a great baby!
Then came Sam. I really did not want to have another c-section. I needed him to cooperate. I went into labor one day before my due date. Everything was progressing fine, and then I got stuck at a 5. Labor just stopped. Sam probably got distracted and started doing something else besides trying to come out. The hospital sent me home and about 7 hours later labor started up again. This time I made it to the pushing. Then they realized his head was turned the same way Spencer's had been. Of course, he had to copy his brother. But, Sam is different from his brother in many ways. The doctor told me to push a certain way to help him turn. He did. He came out. Sam is very independent and imaginative, but he also tries really hard to be obedient. It just makes sense that he tried to come out his own way, but when asked he turned the right way.
Then there is Matthew. That is when I knew my theories had to mean something. At about 32 weeks pregnant I just felt like it was time for this baby to come out. I just felt done being pregnant. I felt like I was 40 weeks even though I wasn't yet. I didn't know how I was going to make it through 8 more weeks! Then one week later at 33 1/2 weeks I went into labor. This couldn't be. But it was. We went to the hospital. I tried to convince every nurse that helped me that they should not stop my labor because I just knew this baby was done. They really thought I was crazy. They stopped my labor and put me on bed rest. One week later I was taken off bed rest and had a scheduled induction because of my high blood pressure. As soon as I started walking around I went into labor. This baby was coming out. They never had to induce me. He was born over 5 weeks early at 7lbs. 2 oz. He did not spend one second in the NICU. That is so Matthew. Matthew just gets things. He understands things way above his age level. He also will do just about anything to please me. I am convinced he came early just because he knew how happy that would make me. And I gave my doctor a big thank you for letting the baby come when he was ready, and of course a huge I TOLD YOU SO!
This whole theory began because of Spencer who came into this world exactly the way you would describe it if you know Spencer. He got stuck. He turned himself into a certain position and refused to come out. I pushed for 3 1/2 hours. The doctor turned his head several times and he immediately turned it right back. Then between my pushing and his head position, he got really stuck. After three hours of pushing the doctor recommended a c-section because this baby was not going to budge. She said she would let me keep pushing for 30 more minutes if I wanted. Well, who do you think is more stubborn between Spencer and I? I pushed for 30 more minutes. Then I was taken into a c-section. They had a hard time getting him out of his stuck position, turned the wrong way, smashed into my pelvic bone. This is so Spencer. It just makes sense we would have to cut me open and reach in and make him come out. Of course once he arrived, he was perfectly happy to be out and was a great baby!
Then came Sam. I really did not want to have another c-section. I needed him to cooperate. I went into labor one day before my due date. Everything was progressing fine, and then I got stuck at a 5. Labor just stopped. Sam probably got distracted and started doing something else besides trying to come out. The hospital sent me home and about 7 hours later labor started up again. This time I made it to the pushing. Then they realized his head was turned the same way Spencer's had been. Of course, he had to copy his brother. But, Sam is different from his brother in many ways. The doctor told me to push a certain way to help him turn. He did. He came out. Sam is very independent and imaginative, but he also tries really hard to be obedient. It just makes sense that he tried to come out his own way, but when asked he turned the right way.
Then there is Matthew. That is when I knew my theories had to mean something. At about 32 weeks pregnant I just felt like it was time for this baby to come out. I just felt done being pregnant. I felt like I was 40 weeks even though I wasn't yet. I didn't know how I was going to make it through 8 more weeks! Then one week later at 33 1/2 weeks I went into labor. This couldn't be. But it was. We went to the hospital. I tried to convince every nurse that helped me that they should not stop my labor because I just knew this baby was done. They really thought I was crazy. They stopped my labor and put me on bed rest. One week later I was taken off bed rest and had a scheduled induction because of my high blood pressure. As soon as I started walking around I went into labor. This baby was coming out. They never had to induce me. He was born over 5 weeks early at 7lbs. 2 oz. He did not spend one second in the NICU. That is so Matthew. Matthew just gets things. He understands things way above his age level. He also will do just about anything to please me. I am convinced he came early just because he knew how happy that would make me. And I gave my doctor a big thank you for letting the baby come when he was ready, and of course a huge I TOLD YOU SO!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Another year older
Well, I had a birthday last week. Thanks for all the birthday love from friends and family. I am still enjoying all the treats, and my scale does not thank you. I am dreading my OB visit next week. Will he accept, I'm sorry it was my birthday? Oops. Anyway, now I am 32. Here are some things you might not know about me.
I am really good at racquetball.
I love Indian food.
I love purses and want to buy one every day.
I don't like the shape of my face.
I am a little claustrophobic.
I must have my toenails painted at all times.
I attended Boston University for 3 semesters.
I blast music and dance in my kitchen while doing dishes.
I would also like to share some thoughts about being in my thirties. I know I am just getting started, but so far, not that great. I've heard people talk about their thirties like they are the best. I keep waiting. Really I just miss my twenties. I feel like I am supposed to be older and wiser and make mature decisions. I feel young and dumb and I just don't want all that responsibility. I feel like because I am in my thirties with this getting bigger by the second family I am supposed to know what I am doing. I don't. I don't know what I am doing at all. I hope this does not last for an entire decade. I guess by the end of my thirties we will be well into the teenage years. See what I am saying? Terrifying!
I am really good at racquetball.
I love Indian food.
I love purses and want to buy one every day.
I don't like the shape of my face.
I am a little claustrophobic.
I must have my toenails painted at all times.
I attended Boston University for 3 semesters.
I blast music and dance in my kitchen while doing dishes.
I would also like to share some thoughts about being in my thirties. I know I am just getting started, but so far, not that great. I've heard people talk about their thirties like they are the best. I keep waiting. Really I just miss my twenties. I feel like I am supposed to be older and wiser and make mature decisions. I feel young and dumb and I just don't want all that responsibility. I feel like because I am in my thirties with this getting bigger by the second family I am supposed to know what I am doing. I don't. I don't know what I am doing at all. I hope this does not last for an entire decade. I guess by the end of my thirties we will be well into the teenage years. See what I am saying? Terrifying!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
We survived
I really need to find my camera! Until then I just wanted to let you know that we are doing great. All the boys in my house got the flu, and everybody was put on tamiflu and recovered very quickly. Who was the biggest baby of the week? Well, that is my little secret, but by the end of the week it was definitely me. At the beginning of the week the boys were all lethargic and napping with their fevers. Then the drugs kicked and they were running around like wild animals, but I still needed to keep them home. Ugh, by the weekend I was losing it! I am happy to report that everybody is happy and healthy and back to the usual routines.
Oh, greatest quote of the week. The morning Matthew got sick, and the day before Sam did.
Sam: Matthew come over and lick me. Pretend like you are a dog.
Mom: What??? Stop it!! This is not a good day to be playing dogs! In fact, this game is now banned from our house.
Oh, greatest quote of the week. The morning Matthew got sick, and the day before Sam did.
Sam: Matthew come over and lick me. Pretend like you are a dog.
Mom: What??? Stop it!! This is not a good day to be playing dogs! In fact, this game is now banned from our house.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Oh Yes, We Do!
I was going to post a picture, this is the Evans Family on swine flu, but my camera seems to have disappeared. Anyway, we have the flu. The boys were tested yesterday, and came back positive. The Doc said any positive Influenza A flu results are 99% chance H1N1 at this point, because that is the strain of flu spreading around here. They will only do further testing if you are hospitalized. Spencer started us off and now Matthew has joined him. Let me just say, it has not been that bad. Spencer has had a very persistant fever and cough, and that is about it. Matthew so far has just had a fever. He got Tamiflu at the very beginning so hopefully he will get over it quick. Am I worried about my pregnant self? Not really. Hopefully this will all pass without too much excitement. I'll keep you posted!
Friday, September 25, 2009
I have talked before about how I hate making decisions! It is one of my least favorite things as a Mom, all the decisions I have to make not only for myself but for all my boys. There is just constant pressure, and guilt, and stress. These past few weeks I have made some decisions and have not looked back. I am in decisive mode, and it feels great. Here are a few.
I am not going to wear THOSE pants anymore. They are too tight and it is time to bust out the maternity clothes.
We said goodbye to Karate and piano for a season. Spencer is doing scouts and Sam is doing soccer. That is all this family can handle right now, and that is great. This turned out to be such a great decision because their new school is very demanding academically.
Spencer's eye doctor was pressuring us to do surgery again this Fall. No, we are waiting until at least Spring. Easy decision, feels great.
I am painting the baby's room blue. Baby blue is completely banned. We are going for a dark royal blue. I have never painted a baby room before. This baby will feel super special.
I do not prefer double stuffed oreos. I like the cookie to cream ratio in the original oreo. This has taken years of careful reasearch, and I am completely happy with my decision to avoid the double stuffed oreo from now on.
I am not going to wear THOSE pants anymore. They are too tight and it is time to bust out the maternity clothes.
We said goodbye to Karate and piano for a season. Spencer is doing scouts and Sam is doing soccer. That is all this family can handle right now, and that is great. This turned out to be such a great decision because their new school is very demanding academically.
Spencer's eye doctor was pressuring us to do surgery again this Fall. No, we are waiting until at least Spring. Easy decision, feels great.
I am painting the baby's room blue. Baby blue is completely banned. We are going for a dark royal blue. I have never painted a baby room before. This baby will feel super special.
I do not prefer double stuffed oreos. I like the cookie to cream ratio in the original oreo. This has taken years of careful reasearch, and I am completely happy with my decision to avoid the double stuffed oreo from now on.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Movie Time

Thursday, September 17, 2009
From Babe to Baby
Jeremy turned 35 last week. Wow, time flies. I have to say, he is a total hottie! The Fall time always makes me reminisce about our first meeting. We lived in the same apartment complex at BYU. I had just moved in and there was a knock at the door. I answered the door, and there he was, my future husband. Under some church membership calling guise, he was going around meeting all of the girls. Hilarious. But, we totally fell for it. Well, at least two of my roommates fell for him that is. I like to think that we did not start dating right away because he was so blown away by my beauty that he had to take a few months to get up the courage. Anyway, by Winter semester we were great friends, hanging out quite a bit without a whiff of romance in the air. I like to think there must have been some great reason why we needed to be in each other's lives that year, but from a distance. I remember him getting accepted to Harvard, and my parents trying to convince me I should try and be more than just friends with him. No way, we are just great pals. Then Spring term rolls around, and Jeremy and I along with two other people in complete denial of their future together end up spending every possible moment we were not at work together. I started to notice whenever we were in the same room together we had to be next to each other, had to have a little physical contact. The addiction had begun. After about a month of that, we fell completely head over heels. We just looked at each other one day and knew we had to be together or we would just die. Okay, maybe that was me, but I think he felt it too. He was kind of dramatic back in those days too! Wow, what a journey we have taken together so far. And however cliche, he still is my BFF!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Princess Time
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Who am I???
Bus Drama: Day 4
Yesterday I drilled Spencer for the 100th time what he needed to do when the bus arrived at school. This time he said, "Mom, you get off the bus and run as fast as you can."
Yep, that pretty much sums up my boys bus experience so far. They are both riding the bus for the first time. Every day their bus has been late, late for picking them up, late arriving at school. Their bus is the last bus to arrive at the school, and so far has always arrived after the bell rings. Of course I know all of this because I have been stalking my boys and their bus in the morning. I didn't know I should have been doing sprint training with my boys leading up to school, but that is pretty much what has been going on. They are usually locked out of their classrooms, and that is what they are racing to avoid. Today I didn't go to the school. It was hard for me. Spencer stopped wanting me there after the first day and pretended not to see me, which was adorable. Sam had requested my help the last two days, but insisted he could do it by himself this morning. Hope they are not still standing outside the building!
Yep, that pretty much sums up my boys bus experience so far. They are both riding the bus for the first time. Every day their bus has been late, late for picking them up, late arriving at school. Their bus is the last bus to arrive at the school, and so far has always arrived after the bell rings. Of course I know all of this because I have been stalking my boys and their bus in the morning. I didn't know I should have been doing sprint training with my boys leading up to school, but that is pretty much what has been going on. They are usually locked out of their classrooms, and that is what they are racing to avoid. Today I didn't go to the school. It was hard for me. Spencer stopped wanting me there after the first day and pretended not to see me, which was adorable. Sam had requested my help the last two days, but insisted he could do it by himself this morning. Hope they are not still standing outside the building!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Do you ever
look around your house and feel like you are literally living in the Costco Warehouse? Costco has pretty much invaded every aspect of my life. There is not one single room in my house that does not have something from Costco in it. Is this bad? Have we sold out? I don't think so, and here is why. That place makes me so darn happy! It makes the whole family happy. We love having family outings to Costco. The whole atmosphere promotes family togetherness. Look at that giant vat of whatever. I cannot eat that alone. Hey family, lets take this giant bucket of whatever home and eat it together until we pass out. Great! You just can't shop there without people on your side waiting to help you indulge. Years ago I remember being so excited to have more kids just so we could shop there more. I know plenty of people have done the Costco blog post. I guess this is mine, but mostly I just want to say this. I think my house IS Costco, and I like it.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh.....
I know this should not have been a shock, but it kind of was. Mostly just to actually see the reality, that yes I am a boy Mom. I will always be a boy Mom. I am kind of relieved actually, I think I can handle this. I think we have really good boys. Also, this is much more economical, right? This is the first time I have not cried in the ultrasound room, so I guess I am coming around to the boy thing. Oh, and Father and Son camp out weekend lives on. This is my favorite holiday!
I know this should not have been a shock, but it kind of was. Mostly just to actually see the reality, that yes I am a boy Mom. I will always be a boy Mom. I am kind of relieved actually, I think I can handle this. I think we have really good boys. Also, this is much more economical, right? This is the first time I have not cried in the ultrasound room, so I guess I am coming around to the boy thing. Oh, and Father and Son camp out weekend lives on. This is my favorite holiday!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Teeth and Swing
Thursday, August 6, 2009
We have had a very busy summer, lots of fun trips and outings. Last Saturday was our first one home in a very long time. Our yard needed some attention in a desperate kind of way. This week we are back to our busy running around schedule. Here are some things that have been going on.
Spencer and Sam are back in swim lessons for 3 more weeks. They are both doing great. Spencer is amazing in the water. He is learning all the different strokes now and I can't believe how fast he is picking them all up. His focus and attention are so exciting to see. In the water, he is a different kid. We are working up to trying swim team at some point.
Matthew and I had a potty training battle day last Monday. By the end of the day, he had won. He was pretty much taunting me all day about how whenever I wasn't looking he could have an accident. I'm not sure what happened, but Tuesday morning he woke up and decided he would just go ahead and be potty trained. That was it. No more battles, no accidents. It has been smooth sailing ever since. Hooray!!!
We are starting to collect all the back to school stuff. There is so much to buy, I can't believe it. They all needed new shoes, new clothes, school supplies. These boys just beat up all their clothes, so not much is being passed down. Is this normal?
I finally made up my mind to put Matthew in preschool this Fall. That means for two sweet hours two days a week I will be FREE!!! Well, except for the other one I will be lugging around in my belly. Which by the way, two more weeks and we will know.....
In other news. I can't keep up with the laundry on any kind of level. I have pretty much stopped cooking, because that would mean I have to do dishes. I am not keeping up with dishes. I decided to clean out my closet and pretty much get rid of everything that doesn't fit. Which probably wasn't a good idea when I am four months pregnant. Hmmmm, might regret that. Do you think that was hormonal? I think it was brilliant.
Spencer and Sam are back in swim lessons for 3 more weeks. They are both doing great. Spencer is amazing in the water. He is learning all the different strokes now and I can't believe how fast he is picking them all up. His focus and attention are so exciting to see. In the water, he is a different kid. We are working up to trying swim team at some point.
Matthew and I had a potty training battle day last Monday. By the end of the day, he had won. He was pretty much taunting me all day about how whenever I wasn't looking he could have an accident. I'm not sure what happened, but Tuesday morning he woke up and decided he would just go ahead and be potty trained. That was it. No more battles, no accidents. It has been smooth sailing ever since. Hooray!!!
We are starting to collect all the back to school stuff. There is so much to buy, I can't believe it. They all needed new shoes, new clothes, school supplies. These boys just beat up all their clothes, so not much is being passed down. Is this normal?
I finally made up my mind to put Matthew in preschool this Fall. That means for two sweet hours two days a week I will be FREE!!! Well, except for the other one I will be lugging around in my belly. Which by the way, two more weeks and we will know.....
In other news. I can't keep up with the laundry on any kind of level. I have pretty much stopped cooking, because that would mean I have to do dishes. I am not keeping up with dishes. I decided to clean out my closet and pretty much get rid of everything that doesn't fit. Which probably wasn't a good idea when I am four months pregnant. Hmmmm, might regret that. Do you think that was hormonal? I think it was brilliant.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Camping at Cascade
Friday, July 24, 2009
Oh, By the Way...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Utah Weekend
We headed off for a great weekend in Park City with Jeremy's family. Thank you Connie and Dave for hosting us! Thank you to the Davis family for a fun dinner! On our way into town we had to stop at our favorite Utah tourist attraction. We have been going here for over 5 years now, my children have practically grown up here! We love it, and have I mentioned that it is free? FREE, people! 
This has been Spencer's favorite plane since he was 2 years old. He calls it the shark plane. They always have the plane in a different place, so we have to go on a hunt for the shark plane.
The boys love riding on the luggage cart.
The boys love riding on the luggage cart.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I am Woman... Again
Last night I decided to make my very first batch of freezer jam! Yummy, we are very excited. I have just been so inspired by all the summer fruit this year. I think next time I want to try and make Jam that doesn't have to go in the freezer. We are still a one freezer family, so space is very limited.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Day trip to McCall
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